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这种精神文脉的传达是和他一贯所秉承的艺术态度是一脉相承的。The spirit it conveys is consistent with his long-held artistic attitude.

加强党的先进性建设在党的历史上是一脉相承的。Reinforcing the advancement construction of the party is constant in its history.

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从1、3、5到7系,宝马全都坚持采用后轮驱动模式,可谓一脉相承。BMW adopts the rear-wheel drive model based on which 1, 3, 5 to 7 Series are produced.

说真的,我们在这里可以看到,从斯托夫人到朱厄特,再到威拉·凯瑟是一脉相承的。Indeed, there is a succession here, from Mrs Stowe to Jewett and then to Willa Cather.

对于单词amen而言,它在希伯来语、希腊语和拉丁语中的演变与基督教的发展是一脉相承的。The Hebrew, Greek, Latin path of the word amen fits well with the path of Christianity.

现在感染大山雀的病毒类型,可能与在欧洲中部发现的一种是一脉相承的。The form now affecting great tits may be the same strain as one discovered in central Europe.

三代中央领导集体的发展观既一脉相承,又与时俱进。The views of the Three Generation Leading Group share the same root and keep pace with times.

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舒岳祥的思想与他的诗歌创作是一脉相承的。Yuexiang Shu's life thoughts and the ideas of poem creation can be traced to the same origin.

正如大多数人眼中的西安一样,永远和历史一脉相承,有看不完的风景,品不完的底蕴。In most people's eyes, the city is always related to history and significant cultural moments.

接着是西班牙语系的人,而现在轮到了穆斯林,但这样的主题一脉相承,极具代表性。Then the Hispanics, and now it's Muslims, but the theme runs right through and very typically.

这次展出的竹帘上的作品与他原来作品的主题一脉相承,所不同的是他在材料上有了自己的新尝试。This show on bamboo screens is the same theme as his previous works, only using new materials.

已经干瘪的诸王及其配偶现身,是为了昭告众人,曼科印加乃是诸王之后,一脉相承。The wizened kings and their consorts reminded all that Manco Inca descended from a long line of kings.

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这恰好与经济法的一重要理念——国家适度干预经济是一脉相承的。This just comes down in a continuous line from the country's appropriately intervention of the economy.

同时指出,沙皇不论血统如何,其对外侵略传统是一脉相承的。Meanwhile, the Invasion tradition towards outside is continual regardless of the blood lineage of tsars.

在马克思的幸福观里,有着古典经济学一脉相承的对于人类尊严的关注。Marx's outlook on happiness embodys as much attention to human beings' dignity as classic econimics does.

海岱龙山文化与岳石文化是一脉相承的,中间除有一段时间上的缺环之外,不存在所谓的“断层”。Haidai Longshan Culture and Yueshi Culture came down in one continuous line, without the so-called "fault".

这样宣泄与逃遁的女性幸存之路和阿特伍德的二元共存的思想是一脉相承的。Such survival way full of release and escape is actually the reflection of Atwood's dualistic co-existence.

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三代领导人的现代化建设思想一脉相承。The thoughts of the leaders of three generations to realize modernization come down in one continuous line.

从抗日战争时期对中国教科书的删节到日本左翼势力新编的教科书,其指导思想是一脉相承的。They had a uniform guideline from the abridgment to the compiling of textbooks by Japanese left-wing force.

旅游人类学的以人为本的规划思想与旅游可持续发展目标是一脉相承的。The Human-oriented planning philosophy of tourism anthropology aims the same with sustainable tourism development.