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他们都是大同小异的。They are all much of a muchness.

约翰和罗伯特穿着大同小异。John and Robert dressed much of a muchness.

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孟买和圣保罗大同小异,乏善可陈。Mumbai and São Paulo are too much of a muchness.

因为我们接受的教育和劝解大同小异。Beacause we accepted the same education and preach.

它们在外表和品质方面大同小异。They are much of muchness in appearance and quality.

但各军种都应设置一个大同小异的中央规划部门。Yet each uses a similar centralized-planning department.

放眼全球,情况大同小异。If you look around the world, it's the same kind of thing.

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类似的问题多得很,都是大同小异There are more variations, but it's always the same thing.

内容大同小异,甚至有几个故事是重复的。The content is similiar, and even some stories are the same.

不过他写下了设计方案,和我们今天所用的电脑大同小异。But he wrote down a design, which was similar to what we do now.

代码在大多数情况下看起来也都大同小异,唯一的,只是更简洁了。The code even looks similar in many cases, just stated more succinctly.

同样身为母亲,我想我们的测谎技巧大同小异。I'm a mom, too, and I suspect that our lie-detector skills are universal.

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如果约旦和埃及的电报我们可以获得,估计内容也会大同小异。If cables from Jordan and Egypt could be read, they would be no different.

它的状况与迪亚拉省大同小异,同样违反了人权”。It is the same as the jails in Diyala Province, the same breaches of human rights.

200米与400米个人混合泳的有些特征是不同的,但是针对这两项混合泳的窍门儿却是大同小异。Some of these aspects differ from 200 to 400 IMs, but many of the tips stay the same.

在不同的种族,地域和性别调查中,结果都大同小异。Amongst the ethnic groups, locations and gender, the results of the study were similar.

而他的借口听起来相当合理,“这不过是些大同小异的奉承话。”And, he made them sound like very good excusesThisthis is just more of the same blarney.

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可能这种情节只是想象出来的,但是我认为与实际情况大同小异。This scenario may sound a bit contrived, but I think alternate scenarios are likely similar.

虽然这份研究只是针对一年级学生,但是米尔琪认为对其他年级的学生,其结果也是大同小异。While the study focuses on first graders, Milkie expects similar results for older children.

就保护人们不受病毒感染的程度和所产生的副作用而言,所有这些疫苗都大同小异。All are similar in terms of how well they protect people from the virus and their side-effects.