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迈克尔•富特并不总是备受爱戴。He was not always so popular.

虽然哈姆雷特曾经杀死一个克劳迪斯的贵族,但是全国百姓仍然很爱戴他,那就是为什么克劳迪斯不能杀死哈姆雷特的原因。That was why Claudius could not kill Hamlet.

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但这却是我们在爱戴上帝的同时所追求的。And yet that's what we strive for, in loving God.

这位老教授受到大家的爱戴和尊敬。The old professor was greatly loved and esteemed.

因为她是个好老师,所以受到全体学生的爱戴。A good teacher, she is loved by all of her pupils.

吴泓先生是一位非常杰出的人物,他值得所有人尊敬和爱戴。He was a great man, a most honorable and worthy man.

我读了关于爱戴尔睫毛增长液的评论并决定试一试。I read the reviews for Ardell and decided to try it.

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他要追随人所爱戴的杰出的悉达多。He will follow the good Siddartha loved by the people.

就像之后的罗伊·基恩一样被球迷们所爱戴称赞,不过罗伯依旧站在最顶峰。Like Roy Keane later, Robbo always led from the front.

那位老工人深受大伙的爱戴。The veteran worker ranks high in public love and esteem.

全国上下的人民更加爱戴莉儿公主了。Up and down the country people more loved lill princess.

教师的民主作风使她受到学生的爱戴。The teacher's democracy made her popular among her pupils.

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他解释了为什么希尔斯能成为美国最受爱戴的演员。He explains why Beverly Sills became America's beloved diva.

他是一个好丞相,所有的蜀国人都很爱戴他。He was so great that everyone in the state of Shu loved him.

现在,上帝和希西家都受到整个国家人民的崇敬与爱戴。The Lord and Hezekiah are now highly regarded by all nations!

哦,那受人爱戴的希望与记忆的女儿,请在我身边多停留一会儿吧。O beloved daughter of Hope and Memory, be with me for a little.

大卫艾登堡是深受英国观众爱戴的电视主持人之一。David Attenborough is one of Britain's best-loved TV presenters.

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我在意大利很受爱戴,但在法国国家队却并非如此。I feel very loved in Italy but less so when I am with Les Bleus.

他受到了广播评论家、电影演员和作者的爱戴和尊敬。Well loved and respected radio commentator, film actor, and author

下面是梅布尔▪霍华德,这位广受爱戴的街区监督员的动人故事。Here is the moving story of Mable Howard, the beloved block captain.