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辩论主义、诉讼经济主义和诚实信用原则是自认规则的理论基础。Free argument, economic proceeding, and bona fide doctrine lay the theoretical basis for self-admission rule.

这两种创新观的局限性源于经济主义发展观与技术主义发展观。The limitation of the both two innovation views is originated from the development view of economism and technicism.

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是民主公共文化的永久特徵,但是现代社会的思想主流却是经济主义。Although reasonable pluralism often characterizes the public culture of a democracy, the mainstream ideology in modern times is economism.

「合理多元主义」民主公共文化的永久特征,但是现代社会的思想主流却是经济主义。Although "reasonable pluralism" often characterizes the public culture of a democracy the mainstream ideology in modern times is economism.

合理多元主义」是民主公共文化的永久特徵,但是现代社会的思想主流却是经济主义。Although "reasonable pluralism" often characterizes the public culture of a democracy, the mainstream ideology in modern times is economism.

在充分扬弃传统理性管理理论中的经济主义管理理念的基础上,现代管理理念应树立社会综合价值管理理念。Basing on sublating economism management idea in traditional reason management theory, social overall value management idea should be built.

是民主公共文化的永远特徵,然则现代社会的思惟主流却是经济主义。Although "reasonable pluralism " often characterizes the public culture of a democracy, the mainstream ideology in modern times is economism.

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唯经济主义、经济决定论就是理论上和现实社会中把经济的重要性推向极端的非合理性价值理念。Only economism and economic determinism are the unreasonable value ideas which push the economic importance to the extreme in theory and reality.

西方传统理性管理理论中过于注重经济利益的经济主义价值理念在现实中受到了愈来愈多的冲击。The economism value idea which lay stress on unduly economic interest in Western traditional reason management theory is challenged more and more in real life.

经济主义阐述的一个特征,这种文化相对主义方案有问题地视常识为等量单元,就好像是一个封闭系统内运动的信息。A characteristic of economistic discourses, this program of cultural relativism problematically treats know-ledge as commensurable units, as if it were information moving within a closed system.

把马克思的辩证法和历史看作是对黑格尔的简单颠倒,这种认识论上的懒惰很容易滑向经济主义,产生经济人的幻象。The laziness of epistemology which believes that Marx's dialectics and history view is simple reverse to Hegelian theory, slip toward economism very easily and produce the economic person's mirage.

自从自由经济主义学者乔治。肯尼斯。加尔布雷斯在20世纪50年代开始使用这个术语,他的目标不仅仅是那些被广泛接受的错误观点,还有那些因为惯性和方便而产生的产物。When liberal economist John Kenneth Galbraith started using the term in the 1950s, his targets were not just any widely held wrong opinions, but those that were the product of inertia and convenience.