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一只龙船是什么?What is a dragon boat?

那儿有一艘竹编龙船。There is a plaited bamboo dragon-barge.

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夷水河畔、清江源头、龙船古韵、风情种种。Lichuan locates along the Yi River, headstream of Qingjiang River.

每到端午节,这里都会举行飞舟竞渡的划龙船比赛。Boating competitions are held here during every Dragon Boat Festival.

一些收藏者认为这些泰国龙船徽章是泰国媒体公司制作的。Some collectors feel they have been developed by the Thai media corps.

弗雷泽山谷龙船俱乐部是一个非盈利的社会,在2002建立了。The Fraser Valley Dragon Boat Club is a Non-profit Society, established in 2002.

他们也在水中比赛龙船全部是为了取悦龙且安慰他们的龙。They also race dragon-shaped boats in water all to please and appease their dragons.

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拉露斯庄园中的一座塔楼俯瞰着圣朱利安龙船镇的郊野。There is now a tower overlooking the countryside in Saint-Julien-Beychevelle, at Gruaud Larose.

泰国龙船徽章自从1992年汉城开始就一直困扰着收藏者,它们是真的NOC徽章吗?The Thai 'dragon ship' pins have puzzled collectors since Seoul in 1992. Are they really NOC pins?

有一天,国王和很多文武百官一起坐龙船出海游玩。One day, the King and all the top civil and military officials went to the ocean in a dragon boat to sightsee.

没有,我看见一艘挂满灯笼的龙船从云中驶过,可是我没有见过你的小鸟。No, No. Ive seen a dragon boat hanging many lamps passed the black clouds, but Ive never seen your little bird.

法国著名的龙船庄出品,采用波尔多精选葡萄酿造,具有浓郁的黑加仑子味,干枣味及香草气息。Produced by Beychevelle, blended with Bordeaux finest grapes, It has blackcurrant, dried date and vanilla taste.

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目前,具有400多年历史的“罗店龙船”已申报了全国非物质文化遗产。Up till now, Luodian Dragon Boats with a history of over 400 years have declared national intangible cultural heritage.

百姓相信爱国诗人是不会死的,每年五月五日,他们摇着龙船,到处去寻觅诗人。Believing that the patriotic poet would enjoy eternal life, they would row dragon boats out on the river to look for him.

适用于运动鞋、网球鞋、龙船鞋及其他皮鞋的前后、左右、上下的压紧,具有一机三用的功效。Automatic upper molding machine is suitable for processing al kinds of sports shoes , and other leather shoes, so it has 3 functions.

走廊西部的九龙池直接通向石舫,它很像一个游荡在水面上的龙船。The Nine-Bend Corridor west of the Nine Dragon Pool leads directly to the Marble Boat, which resembles a dragon boat on the water surface.

龙船节,是黔东南清水江上苗族人民最盛大的的节日。Thee Dragon-Boat Festival is the most important celebration of the Miao people, who live alongthe Qingshui Rwerin southeastem Guizhou Province.

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文家滑坡位于巴东县内龙船河国家旅游区入口处,神龙溪大桥南侧。Wenjia landslide is located in Badong County, near the entrance of the national landscapes in Longchuanhe area and to the south of Shenglongxi Bridge.

从这游客可以看见湖对面的五龙亭,还有华丽的龙船来回往返于湖上。Visitors can see from here the Five Dragon Pavilions standing on the opposite bank of the lake, with colourful ferry boats travelling back and forth between the shores.

龙船节是苗族人民最盛大的节日。节日期间,家家户户酿米酒,包粽子,走亲访友,宴请宾朋。Dragon boat festival is the grandest festival of the Miao nationality. During the festival, every family will brewage rice wine, make glutinous rice dumpling, drop around and feast.