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社会议程。Social Agenda.

这是一个很满的议程。It’s a fulsome agenda.

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所以我们的议程内容很丰富。So we have a rich agenda.

你们的议程排得很满。You have a packed agenda.

她是一个有议程表的女人。She was a woman with an agenda.

大会议程首先是向来宾致欢迎辞。I have to begin with an apology.

下面便是我们的六项目议程。This is now our six-item agenda.

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不错,还有对社会的议程。Right, absolutely. Social agenda.

起草下次会议议程,5分钟F. Draft next meetings agenda, 5 minutes

该议程是雄心勃勃的,这也是必须的。The agenda is ambitious, asit has to be.

让我们继续进行下一个议程吧。Let us go on to proceed the next agendum.

行动议程必须符合具体情况。Agendas for action must be context-specific.

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这样,你们真正能够自主掌握卫生议程。In this way, you truly own the health agenda.

让我们进入下一项议程。Let's proceed to the next item on the agenda.

我们宁愿不把这个列入议程。They preferred not to put this on the agenda.

登革热的进展报告在你们的议程中。A progress report on dengue is on your agenda.

CIMA保有对议程进行调整的权利。CIMA reserves the rights to adjust the agenda.

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你能把议程写在布告板上么?。Can you write the agenda on the bulletin-board?

首先我们进行介绍和议程安排。First we have the introductions and the agenda.

首先,你们的议程雄心勃勃,勇气十足。First, your agenda is ambitious and courageous.