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百年大计,教育为本。The great project, educates for this.

百年大计,教育为本。A hundred years account greatly, educating for the origin.

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基本建设是百年大计。Capital construction projects are to last for generations.

教育是兴国之本,更是百年大计。Education is fundamental to a country's enduring prosperity.

百年大计,质量为本,作品实于内而秀于外。Project, quality, work in the inside and outside of the show in.

先不说百年大计,十年大计首先要想嘛。But let's not talk about 100 years, let's just talk about the next 10.

坚持百年大计、质量第一、安全第一、用户至上的宗旨。Adhere to a hundred, quality first, safety first, user supreme objective.

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建筑是百年大计,及早的通过节能建筑设计控制建筑的能耗。As a primary means of the architectural design of passive energy conservation.

“百年大计,质量第一”是我国建设工程一贯坚持的方针。"Long-term project , quality first" is the guideline of construction project in china.

“百年大计,质量第一”是我国建筑工程行业一贯坚持的方针。The policy that the quality of construction engineering is the first is always adhered to in our country.

“百年大计,质量第一”是工程建设的质量工作方针。"Projects that are last for generations, quality first"is the quality work policy of engineering construction.

“百年大计,质量第一”是建筑业最响亮的口号之一,工程质量也一直是社会热点问题。One of the most famous slogans of building industry is"quality first in the matter of vital and lasting importance".

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武术教育是中国武术的百年大计,其文化定位问题又是武术教育可持续发展的根基。Wushu education is important and its cultural orientation is the basis for sustainable development of Wushu education.

培育大学生的民族精神,是实现中华民族再度腾飞的百年大计。To cultivate university students'national spirit is to realize the important project that Chinese nation soars once again.

水利水电工程的质量,尤其是大型水电站的工程质量更是百年大计。The quality of the hydroelectric project, especially the project quality of the large-scale power station is very important.

百年大计,教育为本,这已成为中外有识之士的共识。A hundred years account greatly, educating is originally, this with become Chinese and Foreign still the truth with consensus.

教育是立国之本,是国家的百年大计,当代各国都把教育视为参与国际竞争的重要战略措施。Education, which is regarded as the most important strategy for every nation to compete with others, is the foundation of a country.

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“百年大计,教育为本”,新世纪需要具备综合素质、全面发展的人才。Education is a fundamental task for the coming generation". New Century demands qualified intellectual with comprehensive abilities."

“百年大计,质量第一”是我国建设工程一贯坚持的方针。"A project vital and lasting importance calls for good quality" is the guidelines of our country's consistent construction engineering.

建筑施工的质量是百年大计的关键,而水泥地面的质量是建筑施工诸多环节中的一环。The quality which constructs a construction is greatly the key that a hundred years account, but the quality of cement ground is one of many links of constructing a construction.