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水磨石地板还能液体循环辐射加热。Terrazzo flooring contains hydronic radiant heating.

大理石、花岗石、水磨石等石材表面的光泽测量。Stone materials, such as marble, granite, terrazzo, etc.

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适用于各种塑胶地、大理石及水磨石地面。Applicable to all kinds of plastic, marble and terrazzo floor.

冬期施工现制水磨石地面,是一个施工难点。Construction of cast-in-site terrazzo floor in winter is difficult.

花岗岩、水磨石、瓷砖、马赛克、墙壁等粗糙表面。Granite, terrazzo, ceramic tile, mosaic, walls and other rough surfaces.

不发火花水磨石主要用于石油化工、火工产品生产厂房。Non-sparking terrazzo can be used in chemical plants, explosive producing places.

先将地板、水磨石、大理石、地砖等表面灰尘清扫干净。The dusts on surfaces of floors, terrazzo, marbles and floor tiles etc. are cleaned.

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虽然有很多种磨刀方式可俯选择,一块双面水磨石仍然是最好的选择之一。While many sharpening systems are available one of the best is a combination waterstone.

一片连续的由20中不同纹理构成的水磨石地面增加了室内空间的深度。A continuous terrazzo pavement with 20 different grain combinations that emphasize the room's depth.

原地面如为水磨石、地板等光滑地面须先凿成粗糙面。It the original ground is terrazzo, the smooth ground like floor should firstly become rough surface.

本文根据实践经验总结出一种即省材料,质量又好的坐浆干撒水磨石地面新工艺。Summarizing practical experience, this paper gives out a new technics to dust dry concrete in terrazzo floor.

地面是偏粉色的水磨石,所以我把墙刷成了淡粉色延续了这种色调。The floors are original terrazzo that have a hint of pink in them, so I played it up with a very light pink wall.

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午后的阳光在水磨石地板上延伸,而我们之间的话题,就从她的双膝开始延展。Afternoon's sunlight extends on the terrazzo floor, but between us the topic, starts from hers double knee to delay.

然而最主要的原材料就数当地的河石了,水磨石状的鹅卵石经历过水流和时间的冲击而成。However, the core material is a local river stone, a terrazzo-like conglomeration of pebbles shaped over time by water.

对于云石,水磨石效果更佳,能使石材回复光泽,具有防滑,耐磨性好的特点。It has good effect to the Marble and Terrazzo . It can replay stone's luster and has skidproof and wearability feature.

能清洗花岗岩、水磨石、瓷砖、马赛克、墙壁等粗糙的浮垢、油污及其它污染物。Be able to clean granite, terrazzo, ceramic tile, mosaic, walls, etc. rough floating debris, oil and other contaminants.

砖瓦工用陶瓷,大理石和采石场瓷砖,马赛克或水磨石来覆盖内墙和外墙,地板和天花板。Tilesetters cover interior and exterior walls, floors and ceilings with ceramic, marble and quarry tile, mosaics or terrazzo.

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介绍美术水磨石地面施工技术,及通过过程控制提高水磨石地面质量的措施。This paper introduces construction technology of art terrazzo and measures to improve quality of terrazzo floor by process control.

这些砖墙也被显露在房间内部,夹在混凝土吊顶和抛光水磨石地板之间。These brick walls have also been left exposed inside the house, sandwiched between an exposed concrete soffit and a polished terrazzo floor.

褐土瓷砖、大理石板、水磨石、防滑瓷砖也都很耐用而美观,只是价钱贵一些。Flag of brown earth ceramic tile, Dali, terrazzo , prevent slippery ceramic tile very durable also and beautiful, just price is a few more expensive.