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如果知道是谁建立的殖民地,原因就昭然若揭了Well, if you see who does then you may have a clue.

背叛则是将它劈开并使它昭然若揭的闪电。Betrayal is the lightning that cleaves and reveals it.

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节目的真实意图在其剪辑后昭然若揭。This subtext became much clearer after the show was edited.

但在2009年的春季,家族的计划和策略已经昭然若揭。But in the spring of 2009, the family's plans and strategies unraveled.

但在2009年的春季,家族的计划和策略已经昭然若揭。But in the spring of 2009, the family’s plans and strategies unraveled.

海外叫嚣“稀土外交”者,用心昭然若揭。Overseas clamoring for "rare-earth diplomacy" those intentions all too clear.

因为,虽然从没有犯下一件昭然若揭的恶行我们本身,我们却与恶行勾结通过我们自己的冷漠。For without ever committing an act of outright evil ourselves, we collude with it, through our own apathy.

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在机械动力的作用下,硅胶制的脑花模型仿佛在思考着——在那可笑的若有若无的颤抖下昭然若揭。Under the motorization , this silicone made brain seems like thinking----in that funny and unnecessary variation.

目前,国有企业会计报表信息失真已成为昭然若揭的事实。Now the untruthfulness of accounting statement in state-owned enterprises has become an abundantly clear fact in China.

但在2009年的春季,家族的计划和策略已经昭然若揭。其转折之点是因为家族中一个孩子的死亡。But in the spring of 2009, the family's plans and strategies unraveled. The turning point came with the death of a child.

巴萨的急躁昭然若揭,而客队甚至开始试探性地攻入对方半场。Barcelona's annoyance could be sensed and the visitors even made some tentative incursions into the other half of the pitch.

虽然雷曼破产的后果在几天之内就昭然若揭,可是主要政策制定者们却白白浪费了过去的四个星期时间。The consequences of Lehman’s fall were apparent within days, yet key policy players have largely wasted the past four weeks.

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该设备会获取皮肤表层血管的温度记录图,使整个身体的温度和心率变化昭然若揭。This captures the heat pattern of blood vessels near the skin, betraying both changes in overall temperature and in heart rate.

既然沃格林欣然的接受了大体上可以被天主教所定义的,“本质主义的基督教”,那么他为何责难灵知主义也就昭然若揭了。Here, it is clear why he blames Gnostics, since he embraced an "essential Christianity" substantially identical with Catholicism.

贺伯夹带的瞬间豪雨,在台北、台中、南投、高雄、花莲等地都酿成淹水灾情,至此台湾地质脆弱的面貌,昭然若揭。Sudden downpours caused flooding in Taipei, Taichung, Nantou, Kaohsiung and Hualien. Taiwan's geographically fragile nature was exposed.

二十年的统治最终把他带到了2000年的全民公投,而这一次的挫败让他的疯狂昭然若揭,开始大肆破坏。His madness became clear in 2000, when, to his amazement, he lost what amounted to a referendum on his two-decade rule. Mr Mugabe turned wrecker.

等到他没有将任何运动天分遗传给我的事实昭然若揭之后,他又开始试着把我变成一个热情的观众。When it became abundantly clear that I hadn't inherited a shred of his athletic talents, he settled for trying to turn me into a passionate spectator.

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然则,持此狭隘的观点则有可能使人无视人类在过去一百年中业已取得的昭然若揭的巨大进步。But to take this narrow point of view would be to ignore the obvious tremendous advances that have been made over the past one hundred years by the human race.

它甚至几乎没有隐藏,以致于它在幻见当中,昭然若揭。假如我们分析这个幻见,它会以一个完全被要求的条件,解释受害者的焦虑。It is even so little so that it comes to the fore in the phantasy, which, if one analyses it makes of the anxiety of the victim an altogether required condition.

目前的谷歌搜索中,你的搜索数据毫无隐秘可言,但凡有人想要洞悉这些数据,只需偷偷监听你的连接,你的诸般作为立刻昭然若揭。Currently, whenever you search on Google, your search data is not encrypted and anybody with enough interest in getting this data can do so by listening in on your connection.