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可限制负荷摆动弧度的牵线。Tag ! ine restrict swinging of ! oad.

我的天哪,我帮你怎么样?我最擅长帮人牵线了。Oh my god, can I wing for you? I am such a good wingman.

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他朋友的父亲暗中牵线,帮助他在一家大公司找到一份好工作。Mends father pulled wires and got him a good job in a large company.

他朋友的父亲暗中牵线,帮助他在一家大公司找到一份好工作。His Mends father pulled wires and got him a good job in a large company.

把自己想象成是一个牵线木偶,头上有一根线牵着。Think of yourself as a puppet with a string coming out of the top of your head.

我了解我父亲。被这么多线牵着,我就像个牵线木偶一样。I know my father. There'll be so many strings attached I'll look like a marionette.

但麦克马斯特写到是他牵线安排了调查人员对庞奇的询问。But Mr. McMasters wrote that he had pulled the strings to arrange Ponzi’s interview with investigators.

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事实上,我们为初创公司和投资人牵线、让它们会面时根本都没有邀请过微软的人。In fact, we've never even invited them to the demo days we organize for startups to present to investors.

不!恩,我不知道。关键是,如果你想给我和某人牵线,我不想你给我找像他那样的人。The point is, if you were gonna set me up with someone, I'd like to think you'd set me up with someone like him.

当新光地产有意将新光商务港转手时,他们从中牵线很快便达成了交易。When Xinguang property to be transferred Xinguang Hong Kong business, they quickly reached a deal to matchmaking.

即使他们只是有一个通用的问题域,你现在成了牵线,以佬,为他们的所有域的需要。Even if they just have a generic question about domains, you've now become a go-to guy for all of their domain needs.

但是我那个拥有这家公司股票的有钱叔叔的打电话去从中斡旋、幕后牵线,我马上就被雇用了。However, after my rich uncle who owns stock in the company called there and pulled the strings, I was hired right away.

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试图像牵线木偶一样控制未来将会提升遭受挫折、焦躁和沮丧的机会。Trying to manipulate the future like a marionette will increase instances of frustration, impatience, and discouragement.

当新的议会还没有组成,他就召集了军队并派往牵线,这违反了宪法第六章。While Congress was out of session, he conscripted an army and went to war, a violation of Article VI of the Constitution.

一项要求官员牵线帮助毕业生就业的指令在山东省潍坊市引起热议。An order for officials to pull strings to ensure jobs for graduates has sparked heated debate in Weifang , Shandong province.

越来越精简的员工意味着公司通常需要额外的帮助,有些新网站提供帮助潜在的雇主和工人牵线速配的免费工具。Slimmer staffs mean companies often need the extra help, and new websites offer free tools that match potential employers with workers.

在阿富汗南部牵线的加拿大已经表示,如果欧洲盟军不多做些事情,它就要撤走2500人的军队。Already, Canada, which does front-line stuff in the Afghan south, speaks of withdrawing its 2,500 troops if European allies don't do more.

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军方也希望可以尽可能的保持低调,让那些『牵线木偶』部长们应付反对派和公众的需求。It may also want to fade into the background as much as possible and let expendable ministers handle the opposition and the public’s demands.

经由外交部牵线,大同大学也将到多明尼加共和国,协助当地成立第一所国立研究型大学。Through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tatun University will also establish the first research-oriented university in the Dominican Republic.

该项调查针对于所谓的“专家网络”,一些公司专门给投资者和上市公司的雇员或前雇员牵线。The investigation centers on "expert networks, " companies in the business of linking big investors with current and former employees of public companies.