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我喜欢浏览最新的平装书。I love browsing through the latest paperbacks.

其他的平装书每本才卖十戴十五美分。Other paperbacks were selling for 10 or 15 cents each.

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其他的平装书每本才卖十或十五美分。Other paperbacks were selling for ten or 15 cents each.

圬工职业水平3,练习指导,2004修订版,平装。Masonry Level 3 Trainee Guide, 2004 Revision, Perfect Bound.

1935年企鹅出版社出版了第一套经典著作平装书。Penguin Books launched the first set of reprints in paperback.

学生不应花大量的时间读拙劣的平装书。Students shouldn't spend much time reading mediocre paperbacks.

而且,一本平装书不会有什么让你从印刷的文字中分心。Also, a paperback offers no distractions from the printed words.

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一本平装书读起来确实太万能、太方便了。A paperback is just a too versatile and easy device to read from.

和以往的Kindle一样,Fire也差不多是一本较薄的中等尺寸的平装书大小。Like Kindles past, the Fire is roughly the size of a thin, medium-sized paperback.

每一本书我们会仔细审阅并确定平装书上市的最佳时刻。We watch each book very carefully to determine the best moment for paperback publication.

对于正在评估平装书上市时间的发行人而言,电子版图书给图书定价出了一个难题。E-books have made price an issue for publishers who are weighing the timing of a paperback.

这种新的平装版,作者补充了一段采访后,将叙事切合时宜。For this new paperback edition the author has added an Afterword that brings the narrative up to date.

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今年一月份的销售情况依然如此,每售出100本平装书,就有115件电纸书售出。A similar pattern has continued during January 2011 with 115 ebooks being sold for every 100 paperbacks.

第一版本是批判全集,这个精装版本,收入全部作品,第二个版本是尼采书信集,是哲学著作的,平装版。The second edition is the Kritische Studienausgabe that is the philosophical works in paperback edition.

这个数码版也是基于平装版,因此也有很多缺点。This electronic edition is based on the paperback edition and therefore inherits all of its shortcomings.

旧版的电子墨水屏幕6寸,约为一般平装本书的大小。The original model's e-ink screen measured 6 inches diagonally, roughly equivalent to a typical paperback.

这儿有一本平装的魔法书,还有一只小小的手电筒。让我们把雨布拉近些。I have a paperback, it's a book of magic tricks and here is my small flashlight, let's pull the tarp close.

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了解如何缝制一个载体,使在这个自由的教学艺术和手工艺视频一本平装书球童。Learn how to sew a carrier to make a paperback book caddy in this free instructional arts and crafts video.

出版者已将那本大词典压缩成适合于大学生用的平装版。The publishers have telescoped the large dictionary into a paperback edition suitable for college students.

而且不像我的平装书,我的电子书不会花费你一毛钱因为完全就是送的!And unlike my paperback book, my eBook isn’t going to cost you anything because I’m giving it away for free!