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我注视这他的一举一动。I watched his movements attentively.

我非常关注他们的一举一动。I am very concerned about what they do.

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李开复,中国的年轻人对其一举一动都趋之若鹜。Young Chinese follow Kaifu Lee`s every move.

还有你的一举一动、一颦一笑都写在我心的!And your every move, smile was written in my heart!

我们新来乍到,得注意自己的一举一动。We're newcomers here and must be careful what we do.

宝贝天使看着我醒来,跟随者我的一举一动。Baby angels see me climb, stop my tumbles every time.

其任何方针及一举一动均能影响全体百姓的身家性命。Its policy would have influence on all people's fate.

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杰克逊和儿童的联系几乎影响到他的一举一动。His bond with them influenced almost everything he did.

她脚步敏捷,一举一动总是精神饱满。She was quick-footed and energetic in all her movements.

她在那里一举一动都受到监视和告密。Where her every move have been Surveillance and informers.

她的双眸沉默而拘谨地牵挂着我的一举一动。And her eyes on all my motions with a mute observance hung.

我想用一辈子的时间,来记住你的一颦一笑,一举一动。I want to use a lifetime to remember your smile, every move.

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当走在人群中的时候,人们会注意我们的一举一动。When walking in a crowd, one is under scrutiny all the time.

他们仿佛可以亲眼看到、亲耳听到我们的一举一动。they will be able, as it were, to see and hear us in action.

在搜寻的过程中,巴拉德的一举一动都得列为机密。During the search, everything Ballard did had to be kept secret.

这个人心怀叵测,对他的一举一动,都要严加提防。That man has sinister designs. You must guard against his every move.

你知道的,许多人追踪着诺基亚的一举一动。You know there are many people tracking each and every move of Nokia.

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他的一举一动都充分地展示了他是一个受过高等教育的绅士。His every move has fully demonstrated he is a well-educated gentleman.

所有的憎恶都是来自于自我的憎恨,而这些都隐藏在他们的一举一动之中。All hatred is self-hatred – and this lies hidden underneath their actions.

媒体对他一举一动云云麋集的存眷,那个可以或许逃走?How could anyone escape such saturation by the media about his every move?