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他们有制服。They have uniforms.

谁又是你最爱的制服女人?Who is your favorite WIU?

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穿着制服的小伙子。The guys in their uniforms.

他穿上制服显得很英俊。He looks handsome in uniform.

穿上你的女童军制服。Wear your Girl Scout uniform.

他制服了一头雄狮。He has subjugated a male lion.

他穿他的制服看起来极妙。He looks great in his uniform.

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李夫人正在买这件制服。Mrs Li is buying this uniform.

一共只有四套制服。There were only four uniforms.

他的制服上镶有金色饰带。His uniform is laced with gold.

人会为了那制服而死的!Men have died for that uniform.

南方联盟军穿灰色制服。Confederate army was a vast gray.

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制服面料,牛仔面料,衬衫面料。Fabrics for uniform shirt, jeans.

所有的军官都穿着制服。All the officers wore in uniforms.

波特先生用一只枪制服了他。Mr. Porter subdued him with a gun.

牛仔制服了这匹烈马。The cowboy broke the unruly horse.

他穿着制服显得很帅。He looks quite smart in his uniform.

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他们穿著那种制服看起来怪模怪样的。That uniform makes them look absurd.

这条河给制服了。The river was brought under control.

纳粹国防军没有过冬的制服。The Wehrmacht had no winter uniforms.