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希望我们后会有期。I hope we meet again.

再见,后会有期。Bye, see you next time.

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那么,再见。后会有期。Well, goodbye. See you soon.

后会有期,保持联系。See you later and keep in touch.

当然不会。但愿我们后会有期。Sure , May we meet again some day.

“后会有期。”当我的脑袋插在矛尖上时。"Someday. " When I am a head on a spike.

希望你的自介也包含你的近照,后会有期!Wishing you include your recent pictures in your profile too.

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希望你的自介也包含你的近照,后会有期!Wishing you to include your recent pictures in your profile too.

如果你不尽力尝试,你永远不知道能得到什么,玩家,后会有期了。If you don't shoot for the moon, you'll never know what can be yours, Player. See you next crime.

个人觉得这句是“我总说你不仅需要在主场获胜拿分,客场也得拿分……”前路艰险,各自珍重,后会有期。I always said that you don't only need to win or pick up points at home but away from home as well, its good that we won today.

除了表现出高尚、悠然,和一个“后会有期”的态度,她发现了竟然在最残酷时期一个”庆祝“的理由。In addition to handling herself with grace, dignity, and an I-will-bounce-back attitude, she has found a reason to "celebrate" even amidst one of life's cruelest moments.