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有无形的障碍,零点吗?Is there a glass ceiling-- the zero?

我们可以把能量零点选在任意一个地方。We can put the zero of energy anywhere.

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从十亿光年到零点一费米。From 1 billion light-years to 0.1 fermi.

输出零点和输出满度校正。Output zero and output full calibration.

能帮我们把零点的数量紧抓。On the number of zeros it gives us a grip.

我们可以把能量零点放在能量最低的状态这里。We could put the energy, the zero of energy there.

她八十米跨栏用了十一秒零点六的时间。She clocked 11.6 seconds for the 80-metres hurdles.

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你们看在零点处,它是零。And what you see is that at zero, you start at zero.

我们把能量零点选在这里,然后开始计算。We'll set the zero of energy there, be done with it.

电阻的变化造成零点漂移。The specific resistence change produces a zero shift.

唯独艾米显得有些孤零点零的一个人。But Amy appear some solitary zero point zero a person.

但是这次双方的差距非常小,只有百分之零点二。But the margin is razor-thin---it is only 0.2 percent.

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因此零点在哪里,完全取决于你自己。So where you choose your zero is completely up to you.

做零点调整过程中,流速不为零。The flow value was not zero during zero-point adjustment.

她由于身体疲乏,勇气降到零点。Her courage was lowered to zero by her physical lassitude.

这是国会知道零点能源技术的证据。This is proof that Congress knows about zero-point energy.

频率的测量选用过零点检测法。Zero-crossing algorithm is used to get the system frequency.

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大多数静电计都有修正零点漂移的方法。Most electrometers include a means to correct for zero drift.

要量测全面的复层玻璃厚度,请校准好零点。To measure the overall IG unit thickness, align the zero point.

还用说,一秒钟这样就不见了,更何况是零点零一秒!One second can just slip away like that , and point zero one second?