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他们的威胁后来证明全是虚声恫吓。Their threats proved to be hollow.

他的咆哮并非恫吓,而是召集。It growls not to threaten, but to summon.

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我认为那含蓄的战争恫吓是吓唬人的。I thought the veiled threat of war was bluff.

我们不会采取威胁和恫吓的行为。There will be no threats and minatory actions.

在国家之间,贸易经常是达的恫吓手段。Between countries trade is often a great bludgeon.

我们可以恫吓,喘气摘要船穿越。We can huff, puff and blow the paper boats across.

她恫吓说,如果她抓住我,她会怎么办。She blustered out what she would do if she caught me.

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你可以装好刺刀后恫吓你的仇家。You can intimidate your foe with the bayonet mounted.

容祖儿曾因涉及一宗恫吓案而被拘捕。Joey Yung was once arrested in relation to a case of threat.

他们的信箱里充满了提出强硬要求和恫吓的信。Their mail was being packed with importuning or threatening letters.

一些美国政客涂饰中国是武力恫吓的好战国家。Some U. S. politicians paint China to be a saber-rattling belligerent.

仇恨是懦夫因自己被恫吓后而进行的报复---萧伯纳,爱尔兰剧作家。Hatred is the coward's revenge for being intimidated---G. B. Shaw, Irish playwright.

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他断言,杀死这些人的凶手还意图籍此恫吓幸存者。Whoever killed these individuals wanted to intimidate survivors as well, he asserts.

印度人传统的追讨贷款方式是恫吓、威胁和暴力。India's traditional ways of recovering loans are intimidation, threats, and violence.

1985年,美国在广场协议会议上恫吓日本,让其日元升值。In 1985 the U.S. browbeat Japan at the Plaza Accord meetings into letting the yen rise.

正义与发展党副主席弗拉特否认执政党进行恫吓的说法。Deputy chairman of the AK Party, Dengir Mir Mehmet Firat, dismissed the intimidation charge.

债主迅速采取行动对付她们、恫吓她们,并将她们赶出采石场。The moneylenders quickly moved against them, threatening them and driving them from the quarries.

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三水发现乙恒竟说出想自杀后,忍不住出言恫吓他。Sanshui found YiHeng unexpectedly speak tried to commit suicide, unbearable speak intimidation him.

如果恫吓失败,则会翻转、扭摆,最后张口吐舌装死。If their bluff fails, they roll over, writhing, and then ACT dead, with mouth open and tongue lolling.

由于美联储也受到恫吓无所作为,我们很难看到当前的经济灾难任何结束的迹象。With the Fed also intimidated into inaction, it’s hard to see any end to the ongoing economic disaster.