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所有人都垂涎欲滴。They all but drooled over it.

甜食菜单馋得我垂涎欲滴.I was tempted by the dessert menu.

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汤圆又白又圆,看起来使人垂涎欲滴。Dumpling and white circle, look to drool.

他一看到那些食物便垂涎欲滴。At the sight of the food he started drooling.

这让很多男人更加垂涎欲滴。This allows a lot of men more lick one's chaps.

经销商对一些宝石垂涎欲滴。The dealer was slavering over some precious stones.

她对摆在面前的丰盛甜点心,垂涎欲滴。She smacked her lips over the rich dessert set before her.

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我一看到橱窗里的巧克力就垂涎欲滴。My mouth often watered at the sight of choclate in the window.

轻风徐徐送来蜜桃醉人的芳香,让人垂涎欲滴。Breeze slowly sent aromas of peach intoxicate, let a person be salivating.

婚宴上的食物不仅看起来让人垂涎欲滴,吃起来也是美味异常。Not only was the look of the food fabulous, but also the taste was to die for.

有一天,一只狐狸走到一个葡萄园外,看见里面水灵灵的葡萄垂涎欲滴。One day, a fox walked near to a grape garden, and saw arractive dilicious grapes.

后来我们又煮了酒酿圆子,一年级的小朋友们在一边看着我们垂涎欲滴,我们更加开心了。Mariko, a grade kids on one side and watching us salivating, we have even more fun.

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最后一个,美丽的小朋友……”他垂涎欲滴的声音让哈利汗毛直竖。And lastly, your pretty little friend . . . " The relish in his voice made Harry's flesh crawl."

如果你开始吸一口巴甫洛夫和他的狗就垂涎欲滴你在正确的线。If you're starting to get a whiff of Pavlov and his salivating dog then you're on the right lines.

你可以拿它和最美味的麦片相比,他们准会垂涎欲滴。You could compare it to the best-¬tasting oatmeal they'd ever eaten, and their mouths might water.

你是否也像我一样曾对广告牌上的法国名模爱米诺垂涎欲滴呢?Have you, like me, drooled over French model Noemi Lenoir's perfect body on all those M&S billboards?

大到视频游戏出版集团,小到作坊式应用软件开发商,都对它垂涎欲滴。Everyone from the top video game publishing conglomerates to the mom-and-pop app developers are salivating.

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后来我们又煮了酒酿圆子,一年级的小朋友们在一边看着我们垂涎欲滴,我们更加开心了。We then cooked BRANDIED Mariko, a grade kids on one side and watching us salivating, we have even more fun.

如果你准确依照这个“食谱”,不出30秒,你就可以是广大消费者垂涎欲滴了!If you follow the recipe correctly, your will have the buying public’s mouths watering in less than 30 seconds!

茶叶,这一曾在18世纪让外国商人垂涎欲滴的中国商品,如今正展开一场出其不意的往返之旅。Tea, which was coveted by foreign traders coming to China in the 18th century, is now making an unexpected round-trip journey.