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谁有争斗?Who has contentions?

于是一场争斗不可避免地爆发了。So a combat broke out unavoidably.

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那些狗为了一块骨头而争斗。The dogs were fighting over a bone.

这是一场关于关税的神秘争斗。It was an arcane dispute over tariffs.

接着他们之间又发生了新的争斗。New battles were supervened between them.

是东西方对决抑是人与人的争斗?Is it east verse west, or man against man?

我们可以从他们争斗中获利。We can score by it that they are tussling.

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我们一直像猫狗一样互不相容,争斗不休。We fought like cat and dog the whole time.

孤寂的心见证了永无休止的争斗。The desolated heart sees the endless fights.

很早以前我就懂得,永远不要与猪争斗。I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig.

他在愤怒之下打了那人,一场争斗将随之而起。In his anger he hit the man, and a fight ensued.

唯一的例外似乎就是卢萨卡的争斗。The exception appeared to be the fray in Lusaka.

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提高利率会使这场争斗愈发恶化。Raising rates would make the struggle even worse.

连个城市之间争斗仇恨的种子就在此时种下。The seeds of this fierce inter-city rivalry were sown.

在我看来,是官员们煽动了这场争斗。As far as I'm concerned the officials incited the fight.

我知道己格坚,因为我曾经历过种种争斗。I know I was tough because I had been bloodied in battle.

这两大家族同意停止争斗,和平相处。The two families agree to stop fighting and live in peace.

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我今晚有点心神不定,这场争斗让我不安。I'm a bit unsettled tonight. This war thing's upsetting me.

不过,并非所有的争斗都发生在边境线之外。And not all these conflicts are occurring across the border.

阿喀琉斯为了她与阿伽门农争斗并愤而退出战争。Achilles and Agamemnon for her angrily out of strife and war.