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我必须静养。I must stay in bed.

那名病人需要长期静养。The patient needs plenty of rest.

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你得了感冒,所以必须在家里静养。You have a cold, so you must keep quiet at home.

弟兄们都还摊手摊脚地躺在岩石上,静静养神。The men were still sprawled on the rock resting quiet.

他在出院以前,还需要三周时间的静养。He must have three more weeks of rest before he is released.

静养可以放松、抚慰你的思想、身体以及灵魂。The retreats are relaxing and soothing to the mind, body, and soul.

被拯救后于疗养院静养时,她得知自己只馀下7天的生命。Convalescing in sanatorium, she is informed that she has only 7 days to live.

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然后总统将在马里兰的戴维营静养处度过周末。The president will then spend the weekend at his Camp David retreat in Maryland.

据说,在手术摘除阑尾后,林赛·罗涵现已在静养。Lindsay Lohan is said to be resting comfortably after surgery to remove her appendix.

萧仰山为免静芸再受打击,安排静芸出院,接回家中静养。Xiao Yangshan is free, static blow, arrangement, static discharge, home to convalesce.

医生希望看到巴蒂尔仔静养之后,左脚会恢复到何种程度。Doctor hoped that saw after the Badier young convalesces , the left leg can restore to what kind of degree.

薇妮以老爷需求静养为由制止仆人上楼,实践上将艾卡林幽禁。Eu ni to master demand by stop servant upstairs and rehabilitating the shameless admiral moxa colin practice.

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瑞金医院迅速组织多名专家会诊,确诊阿贝拉总统必须卧床静养。After the rapid expert consultation organized by Ruijin Hospital, President Abela was diagnosed to stay in bed.

节能养生包括静养生、慢养生和低温养生,这三大法宝。Energy-saving health, including health quiet, slow health and low-temperature regimen, the three magic weapons.

之后觉察到医生来了,A,doctor,was,called—,他要我躺在床上,静养,不然性命不保。I was afterwards told and he ordered that I be kept abed, that I be kept quiet, that my very life depended upon it.

热切期盼贵方提供我方有关人士在此静养的原因及其他可开诚布公的信息。We would appreciate your sharing with us the reason the person is there and whatever other information is available.

代表“身心休憩调养地”,一个能抽离日常烦嚣压力,让身心放松静养的所在。A "Retreat" is a quiet, private place to get away from normal life, a place where body and mind can get rested and renewed.

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主要从生猪宰前静养对猪肉质量影响等几方面对宰前静养国内外研究进展情况进行了综述。The influence of pig pre-slaughter rest on pork quality and its development at home and abroad were summarized in this paper.

家是晚上睡觉、静养的地方,是储藏个人财产的地方和私下放松的地方。A home is a place for sleeping, retreating to in the evenings, storing one's personal possessions and for relaxing in private.

在我国传统养生思想史上,不仅道家主张以静养生,而且儒家亦主张以静养生。In Chinas traditional history of health-keeping thoughts, not only the Daoists but the Confucianists believe in being quiet to keep fit.