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对症下药治虚火广州“五一”黄金周楼市无悬念!Case in Guangzhou but fire "51" Golden Week property without apprehensively !

概述了虚火花放电的特性,如工作气压和击穿电压等。Outlining the characteristics of pseudospark, such as pressure and breakdown voltage.

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介绍了用脉冲线加速器作驱动电源产生高压虚火花放电的实验。The experiment result of a high voltage pseudospark discharge driven by a pulse line accelerator is presented.

复发性口疮由脾胃虚寒,虚火上浮所致者,临床并非少见。The recurrent aphtha caused by flaring-up of deficient fire due to deficient cold of spleen and stomach is very common.

选50例典型肝肾阴虚、虚火上炎型患者,使用桑白皮汤加减治疗。Other 50 cases of typical kidney and liver Yin deficiency, flaming-up of asthenic fire, the use of Sangbaipi Decoction treatment.

介绍了对一台脉冲线加速器驱动虚火花放电装置产生的电子束发射度的测量工作。We report the emittance measurement of a electron beam produced in a pseudospark discharge device driven by a pulse line accelerator.

利用PIC方法对虚火花放电初始放电过程进行了计算机模拟,揭示了三个放电阶段电离增长的特点。The initial pseudospark discharge is simulated with PIC model and the properties of the three ionization growth regimes are presented.

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本研究根据微观辨证认为免疫性不孕症属于中医肾阴虚火旺。According to the microcosmic Syndrome Differentiation, immunological infertility is recognised as Kidney Yin Deficiency-Hyperactivity of Fire Syndrome.

生津止渴、养阴清热、益胃补肝。润泽生肌,尤其适合乾咳或肺热咳嗽、虚火上升、咽乾人士饮用,极具纾缓功效。Nourish "Yin". Clear away heat, benefit stomach and promote the production of body fluid. Ideal for those suffered from dry throat, thirst, asthenic-heat, cough.

或房室不节,劳伤过度,肾精亏损,虚火内生,灼伤阴津,均可发生消渴病。Or room room not section, internal lesion caused by overexertion is excessive, kidney essence deficit, be born inside empty fire, burnable Yin Jin, all can produce diabetes.

方法用中医辨证论治方法治疗4例蚕蚀性角膜溃疡,其中2例为肝肾阴虚、虚火上升,经服用知柏地黄汤治愈。Methods 4 cases of Mooren' s ulcer were managed with TCM identification and treatment. 2 cases of them were of yin deficiency in the liver and kidney with the flaring up of deficiency fire.