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就是别让自己把话说半截。Just be sure not to prattle on.

想到要去上学他的心就凉了半截。The idea of going to school left him cold.

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说到半截他停了下来,点上一支烟又说起来。When talking, he hiccupped and lit a cigarette.

他把写了半截的书信团拢后扔了。He scrunched up the half written letter and threw it away.

警察所持有的全部根据是一张烧成半截的圣诞贺卡。All the police had to go on was a half-burnt Christmas card.

切除时请小心别伤到通风管的上半截。Please cut those air pipes carefully and keep the top boss safely.

开腔的头一句就是要尽人事,咋兴捞起半截就开跑呢?Open head phrase is to be, how Xing picked up half and driven away?

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提利昂的半截鼻子奇痒无比,他抓了抓它。The stump of Tyrion's nose was itching fiercely. He gave it a scratch.

但作为演唱会来说,这样的管理也让现场的气氛凉了半截。But for a concert, such kind of management really damped the atmosphere.

他发现卡斯-弗里德里克弯着身子处在窒息中,两条腿半截压在身下。He found Cass Frederick, choking, bent over, legs half-buckled under him.

女生格仔半截裙及男生长裤、运动外套及长裤都是四季的。Girl's check skirt & Boy's trousers, tracksuit top & pants are al weather.

乖乖,他郑笠要真那样去做,骨头都埋半截了!Darling, his Zheng Li wants to actually do so, the bones all covered up half!

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当我把其中一个孩子高高抛起来的时候,发现比基尼上半截松了。While I was throwing one of them up in the air, I felt my bikini top come loose.

当他知道她曾与好几个男人出去时,他的心凉了半截。When he knew that she had been going out with several other men, it cooled his ardor.

当我偶然得知他还和其他女孩子出去时,我的心凉了半截。He cooled my ardor when I happened to know that he was also going out with other girls.

在此,不妨断章取义的来看看后半截,却另有一番滋味。This might interpret out of context, to have a look after the half, but otherwise a taste.

突然,他低头瞥见在客座下露出半截高跟鞋。Suddenly he looked down and spotted a high-heeled shoe half hidden under the passenger seat.

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他身材高大,哪怕是最有实力的马拉松跑者在他旁边也显得矮半截,但是他并不瘦,脸上挂着机敏的微笑,他的精力仿佛无穷无尽。He is tall, dwarfing most competitive marathoners, not rail thin, with a quick smile and boundless energy.

过去18个月以来,德国人一直在勉强地支持一份又一份的半截拯救方案——账单已经居高不下了。Over the past 18 months they have grudgingly supported half-rescue after half-rescue—and the bill has gone up.

他用了四五分钟跑回家,硬是徒手将半截身子已埋入废墟堆中的爷爷刨了出来。Upon arrival, he managed to dig his grandfather out with his hands whose lower half had been buried in debris.