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你嫂子也工作吗?。Does your sister-in-law work too?

今天是哥哥和嫂子结缡的大喜日子。Today is the day my brother gets married.

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嫂子总是幸福的说“这个傻丫头。”Sister-in-law always happy to say" silly girl."

哥哥结婚了,嫂子竟然是我得初恋情人。Brother got married, my sister-in-law is my first love.

他把他的代理人的权力委托给他的嫂子。He delegated his power of attorney to his sister-in-law.

小嫂子的眼睛里没有一丝的忧怨与恐慌。Little sister 's eyes without a hint of sadness and fear.

嫂子布隆德康尼,还有五个侄子,继母方面的兄弟姐妹以及他们的孙儿女in-law blonde Connie, five nephews, stepbrothers &sisters

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一天晚上,我正和嫂子打电话。One night, I was on the phone with my sister-in-law, Dawn.

嫂子,你别开玩笑了,我哥哥怎么可能会劈腿呢?Sister in law, do not joke, my brother how could it cheating?

我今晚将和我的哥哥和嫂子一起吃晚饭。I'm going to dinner tonight with my brother and sister-in-law.

最好的祝福送给幸福的大家庭,特别祝福尊敬的大嫂子!With my best wishes to you, especially to Elder sister-in-law!

年三十,大哥一家静静地锁着门,人或许去了嫂子娘家。Year thirty, big brother a quietly locked doors, one may go home.

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我嫂子认识一位书法大师,他的作品很值钱呢。My sister-in-law knew a master of penmanship whose work is expensive.

我的一个嫂子在开罗的一个孤儿帮扶组织工作。My sister-in-law works for a group that supports orphanages in Cairo.

圣诞节到了,我姐和我嫂子双双收到老妈的礼物——睡袍。At Christmas-time, my sister and sister-in-law both received nightgowns.

嫂子小产,却没有让任何人知道。The elder woman who had a miscarriage2 did not let anyone know about it.

嫂子Padmini送来一盘用椰奶做成的米饭。My sister-in-law Padmini had sent a plate of rice cooked in coconut milk.

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我嫂子是蒙大拿州西部的一个小学音乐老师。My sister-in-law is a music teacher in a small school in western Montana.

她的嫂子问她是想要大一点的还是小一点的。Her sister-in-law asked her whether she would have a great or a small one.

小姑子还以为是自己嫂子让人给她送饭来的,就吃了。Uncles son thought that his wife to her meal delivery to people , and ate.