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待四十个冬季把你围剿。When forty winters shall beseige thy brow.

我单枪匹马被围剿,但我打败了他们。I was alone and surrounded and I beat them.

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我们已经把塔利班政府放关到一个笼子里,准备对其进行围剿”。We've got a government in a box, ready to roll in.

芬丹必须设法突破敌人的防线,粉碎敌人的围剿。Findan will have to break their lines and lift the siege.

在第五次围剿中,他就完全依赖这个了。In the Fifth campaign he placed his entire reliance upon it.

但是这次新围剿行动之后,我不知道该怎么去看待这件事。But with this new crackdown campaign, I don’t know what to think.

两次单枪匹马深入敌营的结果都是被围剿。Two time thorough hostile camp's results are single-handedly are encircled.

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出乎我的意料,这场争执并没有招致全面围剿。Contrary to my expectations, the argument didn't lead to an all-around ass-kicking.

目前,正在进行第三次反“围剿”的斗争。" At present, the ongoing anti-third "encirclement and suppression" of the struggle.

和第一次“围剿”时一样,全部是蒋之非嫡系部队。As in the first enemy campaign, none of the forces were Chiang Kai-shek's own troops.

围剿的山东纵队的战略计划暂时搁置。Shandong encirclement and suppression of column of the strategic plan is in abeyance.

他们借钱脂肪弗兰克,一个老盟友变成敌人,并启动一个次反“围剿”。They borrow money from Fat Frank, an old ally turned enemy, and launch a counter-campaign.

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随着公众反对的呼声不断升高,不禁使人想问此次围剿地沟油的活动还将持续多久。As public opposition mounts, one has to question how long the gutter oil crackdown will continue.

此次全国范围内的围剿暴露出地沟油的加工已形成了一条产业链。The nationwide crackdown reveals that the processing of “gutter oil” has formed an industrial chain.

曾经他一呼百诺,党内异议者痛遭围剿,想分享权利与利益者钻营不已。Those hoping to share power and partake in the spoils curried his favor. Now he has fallen from grace.

但即便是受到到三巨头的围剿,他还是积极推动千橡集团上市。But even as Chen does battle with the BAT, he has his eye on driving Oak Pacific Interactive to an IPO.

有时须在根据地的中部,例如江西第一次反“围剿”时。At times it should be in the middle section of the base area, as in our first counter-campaign in Kiangsi.

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危急之际,副司令员命令,围剿杉木小队的全部行动由黄鸣锋担任指挥。During the eleventh hour, deputy commander of the order, fir all the action by huang feng as the command team.

仍不清楚说巴基斯坦官方在多大程度上配合了本拉登的围剿行动,如果他们真的参与了的话。It remains unclear how much, if at all, Pakistan's rulers co-operated in the successful hunt for Mr bin Laden.

政治动员是反“围剿”斗争中第一个重要问题。Political mobilization is a problem of prime importance in the struggle against " encirclement and suppression".