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风扇是什么颜色的呢?What color are the fans?

我张床,我个乾衣机连风扇。My bed, my dryer and fan.

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风扇叶还真危险啊!The leaf blower sucks, too!

我们都是大风扇戴夫拉姆齐的粉丝。We are BIG Dave Ramsey Fans.

你能帮我检查一下风扇皮带吗?Could you check the fan belt?

这是我显卡风扇的运转情况。My graphics card fan is bust.

厨房风扇不工作了。厨房风扇坏了。The kitchen fan doesn't work.

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使风扇控制技嘉hd4670。To control fan gigabyte hd4670.

没有冷却风扇,静默工作。No cooling fan, silent operation.

风扇电机、风扇总成、鼓风机电机。Fan motor, fan assy, blower motor.

这部汽车有一个由风扇散热的冷却器。This car has a fan-cooled radiator.

他坐在风扇前纳凉。He cooled himself in front of a fan.

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在这里,我吸入的是自己呼出的气体,不过,在风扇的吹动下,空气依然清新。Yet the air is fresh, blown by fans.

你知道怎样弄回风扇皮带吗?Do you know how to change a fan belt?

如果你还是觉得热,那么久带一个风扇吧。If you’re still hot, then bring a fan.

超静音高速风扇快速干衣。The ultra-quiet fan speed fast drying.

有两个可热交换的风扇组。There are two hot swappable fan trays.

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粘滞的风扇驱动工作不正常。Improperly operating viscous fan drive.

风扇的呼呼声,浑浊空气的味道。The whirr of fans, the taste of old air.

粘滞的风扇驱动工作不正常。Viscous fan drive not operating properly.