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走吧,陪我旧地重游一次吧。Go, let the old ground with me once.

某日某时,旧地重游。One day at a certain time, to return.

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记得你是旧地重游,所以生意。Remember repeat business is why you are in business.

人们永远不应该旧地重游,使新印象造成的震惊去搅乱美好的记忆。You should never go back to disturb good memories with the shock of the new.

最终,到了1991年,两姐妹一家搬去了一个更安全的地区,从此再也没有旧地重游过。Finally, in 1991, the sisters and their family moved to a safer area and since then they have never looked back.

我旧地重游了街道拐角的那家迷你便利店,当年妈妈经常打发我到去那里买牛奶,还有那熟悉的消防局和洗衣店……There was the little corner store my mom used to send me to for milk, the familiar fire station, the Laundromat.

这次跟父母虽是旧地重游,但我们对威尼斯也有新的体会。I visited Venice for the second time this year, this time with my parents whose last visit was more than 30 years ago.

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在姑娘的怂恿、鼓励和陪伴下,老军人旧地重游,来到鸭绿江边。In the girl incite, encourage and below company, old soldier revisit a once familiar place, come to the side of duck green river.

好高兴今天可以再次旧地重游,而且还可以首次踏足中区警署和前中央裁判司署。And I was glad to visit it again today. Moreover, first time visiting Central Police Station and Former Central Magistracy as well.

到15日早上旧地重游时,有不少攞卖古钱币、邮票等的摊位,吸引不少人驻足。When I revisited on the morning of the 15th, there were many other stalls selling antique coins, stamps etc. , attracting much interest from passers-by.