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双重启动。Dual booting.

没有启动费。No set-up fees.

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启动网桥。Start the bridge.

启动的路径错了。Wrong way to start.

启动消防泵。Start the fire pump.

启动连接器。Start the connectors.

他启动发动机。He started the engine.

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程序启动街区。BBL Program boot block.

我愉快地启动它。I am start it amusedly.

现在我的发动机全部启动完毕!Now I'm all spooled up!

然后启动应用程序。Then you start the app.

启动上升段氦加压。Enables ascent He press.

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于是我决定启动该实验。So I decide to launch it.

首先,启动与光盘。First, boot with the disc.

如何启动一个重量的客户吗?How to launch a Wt Client?

在初始状态中启动。Start in an initial state.

启动上升段。Initiates the ascent stage.

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端口映射服务启动失败!MAP service startup failed!

请启动空气压缩机。Start the compre or please.

启动每个集群成员。Starts each cluster member.