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在看客的观赏间,美丽的女士跃然纸上。As they watch the ladies, they scribble on paper.

双方的痴迷分子、偏执狂和卑鄙小人都同样清楚地跃然纸上。The zealots, bigots and creeps on both sides come across with equal clarity.

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德国军国主义的刀光剑影跃然纸上,又是“戴着护盔的拳”,又是“闪亮的护身甲”。They are full of the glitter and bluster of German militarism ?mailed fist and shining armour.

尽管短了一些,但是其中对祖国热爱之情跃然纸上。Though it is shorter than I hope, the love to our Motherland is vividly displayed on the paper.

我用画笔蘸了蘸绿色颜料,画在蓝色上面,湖泊便跃然纸上了。I dipped my brush in the green paint and began layering it over the blue, the lake coming alive on the paper.

那怕是在日常用语中,这种优势传统也跃然纸上,一点也没有歉意。Even in everyday language, this is also clearly reflected in the traditional advantages, there are no apologies.

她从克里米亚学到的一点一滴都跃然纸上——每项陈述都论据充分。Every single thing she had learned from t Crimea was there—every statement she made was backed by hard evidence.

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只有当你不再回避无法回避的事情,坐着、站着或躺着写作,初稿才会跃然纸上。The first draft will appear on the page only if you stop avoiding the inevitable and sit, stand up, or lie down to write.

秀美的蓝色笔迹跃然纸上,一看就是女性的笔迹,信纸的左上角还有朵小花。It was written in a beautiful feminine handwriting on powder blue stationery with a little flower in the left-hand corner.

一旦你开始了,你就会发现那些你从来没大声说出来的话会汩汩的从脑海中流出跃然纸上。Once you get started, you'll find that words you never allowed yourself to speak aloud will flow out of you onto the paper.

从”目标找到了“开到”目标实现了“,一个目标的进化从脑中开始,当跃然纸上的时候立刻形成。From eureka to achievement, the evolution of a goal begins in the mind and immediately takes shape when pen is put to paper.

通过测量血流,神经细胞的活动跃然纸上——大脑如何工作自然也一目了然了。By measuring blood flow, it produces colorful maps of the brain that display the actual activity of neurons—the brain at work.

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我左手托腮,右手拿笔瞧着头,像是在把我的脑浆一层一层地过滤一样,我多么希望答案跃然纸上啊!I left Tuosai, looked at his right hand a pen head, as if my brains filter layer by layer, like, I wish the answer fleshed ah!

每个人物的故事都以他们各自丰富的方言娓娓道来,人物鲜明的个性跃然纸上。Each character's story is told phonetically in their own rich dialect, which effectively carries their personalities from the page.

迈克斯觉得他嘲弄了英国文化,而该文化恰好有着足够的自信进行自嘲。迈克斯先生潜在的、对英国文化的敬仰和喜爱跃然纸上。Mikes had been making fun of a culture confident enough to laugh at itself, and his underlying admiration and affection for it were clear.

这几幅画作由智利艺术家弗雷多用3D铅笔多所绘。这个天才所描绘的物体好像跃然纸上。The 3D pencil drawings by Chilean artist Fredo are mind-blowing. The prodigy draws objects that look like they're about to jump off the page.

如今,当你我又一次面对豫园之时,重塑魅力故乡的命题,跃然纸上。Nowadays, when you and I are faced with Yuyuan Garden once again, the proposition of remolding a charming hometown stands vividly on the paper.

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将此人比作美国梅西百货公司感恩节游行后泄气的真人大小的气球,其沮丧之态跃然纸上。Toad face Fedunka just sort of sat there deflated in a high-back wing chair like a life size ball on the night after Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.

2000年至2001年期间,业界当中由于技术发展不力,业务部门认为技术的发展已经脱轨,并重新掌握了对IT部门的控制,从此之后,“IT治理”这一概念便跃然纸上。IT governance leapt to the fore after the technology crash of 2000-2001 when business reasserted its control over an IT side that it regarded as running off the rails.

一幅东南旺西北弱的产业集群分布地理图跃然纸上,其数据可圈可点,或许能说明什么。The industrial group with young northwest of flourishing of a southeast distributings on paper of geographical graphappear vividly, its data can be encircled can nod, what can show probably.