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我明白如何轻声细语。I know just how to whisper.

她说起话来总是娇声细语的。She speaks in a sweet voice.

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“别理她,”她喃喃细语。“Ignore her, ” she murmured.

爱是我心中无尽的喃喃细语!Love is murmuring in my heart.

我喃喃细语,只愿你能听见。I wish you could hear the murmur.

轻声细语,保持距离。Led in whispers, from a distance.

没有柔声细语,没有可爱脸孔Nor gentle voice, nor loving face

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斯内普轻声细语地问。Snape whispered under his breath.

水声,轻声细语,风声,拉练。Disc 28 Water, Whistles, Wind, Zippers.

另一张正在看着她的面孔柔声细语地问。The other face looking at her softened.

尽管所有这些低声细语和警示是如此的清晰。All the whispers, the warnings so clear.

死亡,我的死亡,来向我低声细语罢!Death, my death, come and whisper to me!

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同我一字一语的温润细语。A language with me a word clearly in whispers.

茅草棚上燕子的细语呢喃。The swallow twittering from the straw-built shed.

要坚强,有自信,并且学会轻声细语的说话。Be strong and confident and learn to speak softly.

茅草棚上燕子的细语呢喃。Thee swallow twittering from the straw-built shed.

“亲爱的,这时我特制的礼服。”她低声细语道。"Honey, this is my special dress, " she whispered.

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和大多数工程师一样,鲁宾通常轻声细语。Rubin, like most engineers, is usually soft-spoken.

我能听见一小群人在隔壁低声细语。I can hear a knot of people whisper in the next room.

当你的力量只能低声细语时不要让你的愿望咆哮。Don't let your will roar when your power only whispers.