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金钱可结交许多达官贵人。Money can buy a lot of influence.

许多本地的达官贵人都参加了葬礼。Many of the local dignitaries attended the funeral.

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你喜欢真实不做作的老百姓,不崇拜达官贵人。You like real people and are not dazzled by dignitaries.

它从100多年前矗立至今,多年来一直是达官贵人的下榻之处。It stands over 100 years ago until now, has been the VIPs are staying.

就我所知有很多达官贵人将出席这个招待会。So far as I know, there are many VIPs who are going to attend the reception.

达官贵人老是选择我,由于我意味着权势巨子和智慧。Kings, chiefs and bishops have always chosen me for I am a sign of authority and wisdom.

剃头匠专为达官贵人修面,也认为房子非他莫属。The barber shaved only distinguished people , and he too already looked upon the house as his own.

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参加联合国会议或世界经济论坛的达官贵人们是这间套房的常客。Visiting dignitaries attending pow-wows at the UN or World Economic Forum are the most regular guests.

车的后排只有一个柔软舒适的座椅,令它成为适合达官贵人的现代化汽车座驾。The rear has a single, well-cushioned seat, making it a modern-day sedan chair for capitalist mandarins.

钞票上有不少于8位当地达官贵人的签名,有水印,私人印章和华丽繁复的边缘纹饰。Signed by no fewer than eight local dignitaries, they bore watermarks, personal seals and a fancy border.

这种意识仅出现在一个政府越来越向寡头政府靠拢,成为党内达官贵人手中玩物的时候。This sense can only grow in the face of a government that increasingly resembles an oligarchy, a plaything of party grandees.

北京一度是中国最大的城市,诸多达官贵人与文人骚客聚居于此,使得她成为全国的文化和科学中心。The city was China's biggest, and the many officials and literati who came and worked there made it a hub of culture and science.

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1938年,蔡氏鞋坊师徒多人为躲避战乱跟随当时的欧洲达官贵人移民至英国伦敦。In 1938, most of the workers in Chai's manual workshop moved to London Britain with the help of English celebrities because of the war.

在古埃及,达官贵人的木乃伊,皮肤上多要上色,颈腔要填圆,眼窝里还要装上人造眼球。In Ancient Egypt the mummy of a nobleman would probably have its skin colored, its neck filled out and man? made eyes fixed in the eye sockets.

在北京08奥运时期,这架飞机往返于莫斯科与北京之间,运送运动员、政治家和达官贵人。The plane spent weeks flying from Moscow to Beijing and back, shuttling Russian athletes, politicians and dignitaries to and from the 2008 Summer Olympic Games.

张伯伦伯爵是个大人物,与女王的关系很密切。因此,我们常在王宫或是那些达官贵人的府上演出。The Lord Chamberlain was a very important man, close to the Queen, and we often put on plays for the Queen's court, and in the houses of the great lords of England.

此后历经沧桑,几易其主,但都一直为达官贵人所享用。It had later gone through many vicissitudes and its owners had been changed for many times, but all the dwellers in it were distinguished personages and high officials.

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想像公元428年4月15日的复活节,这座悦人的新教堂内挤满君士坦丁堡的达官贵人,男人在楼下,女人则在楼上包厢。Imagine that it is Easter, April 15, 428, and that this nice new church is filled with all the nobles of Constantinople, men downstairs, women upstairs in the galleries.

不管你是什么人,上至达官贵人下到庶民百姓,要生活就会有欢乐和忧愁,就像老天一样既有阳光也有乌云和雨水。No matter what you are, from high officials down to ordinary people, to live there will be joy and sorrow, just as God has the same mixture of sunshine and clouds and rain.

达官贵人,商贾豪绅,文人墨客云集于此。他们当中大都非常富有,斥巨资营造私家官邸和园林。High officials, noble lords, rich merchants, gentlemen and people of literature and writing all gathered here. Most of them were wealthy ans spent a lot of money building mansions and gardens.