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而你是自由的。But you are free.

我有我的自由!I had my freedom!

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让自由之钟响起!Let freedom ring.

雨过天青即是自由处。The rain is free.

自由和空间。Freedom and space.

自由万岁!Long live liberty!

我们拥有自由意志We have free will.

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亥姆赫兹自由能A等于内能u减去。TS A is u minus TS.

摩诃萨.解放.自由.Liberation. Freedom.

学生看图自由问答。Look ask and anawer.

享有自由的理想。The idea of liberty.

他们渴望自由。They desire liberty.

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定理是自由的吗?Are theorems freedom?

我们有自由的意志吗?Do we have free will?

有自由意志。Righty has free will.

这是真正的自由。This is true freedom.

年轻姑娘把那两个字念道了两遍,“自由干吗?”asked the young girl.

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他现在是癌症的自由。He is now cancer-free.

唱着我将得到自由。Sayin' I will be free.

他希望我们获得自由。He wants us to be free.