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你可以拂袖而去,再面试下一位老板。Go out and audition another boss.

女孩开始厌烦了,每次都是很愤怒的拂袖而去。The girl starts to get pissed off.

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我看了一下房间就拂袖而去了。I took one look at the room and left.

玛丽一言未发,拂袖而去。Mary flounced out of the room without a word.

但是这并不意味着我们拂袖而去。That doesn't mean we turn our backs and walk away.

他拂袖而去,由于愤怒和绝望而面无人色。He flung out of the room white with anger and desperation.

她非常气愤她的老闆,以至于她拂袖而去,离开她的工作。She was so mad at her boss that she just walked off the job.

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我们走吧,当我拂袖而去,你们不可能还呆在安乐窝里。Let's go, when I leave y'all shot, you ain't gon' be on your metro.

如果有人在本地的咖啡馆告知你这种事,你会拂袖而去。If you were told that at a local cafe you would walk out in disgust.

这一下县官老婆的火可压不住了,一拍桌子,拂袖而去。The fire of wife of this county officer can be not pressed, take a table, go off in a huff.

带男换上女服后浑身不自在,更被一男子骚扰,一怒之下打了那男子一顿,更拂袖而去。With male dress after the whole body uncomfortable, more was a man, in a rage hit the man, more left.

詹姆斯想用合同要挟仁惠,无法合同曾经被窜改,仁惠拂袖而去。James wants to use contract RenHui, cannot coerce, RenHui content-features contract ever left the carnage behind.

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几次早朝都令萧凤溟拂袖而去,他们才干休。Several times early toward always making Xiao Feng the Ming quit in peevish anger, their practical ability rests.

清羽为了流云谎称自己已将采青收房,让少陵吃了个不软不硬的钉子拂袖而去。In order to clear plume cloud pretended to have green Shoufang, let Shaoling ate a soft hard nails go off in a huff.

三水听后拂袖而去,而桂兰亦责备叔父没有说出理由而要三水放弃是不对。After hearing, and left the carnage behind sanshui also blame uncle did not say the laurel orchid reason it is wrong to sanshui to give up.

接到刘梦洁的电话骆晓春穿着厨师的衣服就来了,还当着客人的面挑三拣四,说酒店的菜没有自己做的好吃,客户看到骆晓春这么没有诚意拂袖而去。Got a call from the Liu Mengjie LuoXiaoChun dressed in the cook came, also fussy, in front of the guests said the hotel dishes not doing good, customers see LuoXiaoChun so no sincerity left.

在此之前,埃夫拉还与球队体能教练罗伯特·杜维尔内发生激烈争吵,情绪激动的杜维尔内随后将他的秒表远远扔在了地上,然后拂袖而去。Evra had a shouting match with France's fitness coach Robert Duverne prior to the scheduled session, leading furious Duverne stormed off and threw his stopwatch towards the far end of the pitch.

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如果工人愤然拂袖而去,那么,雇主也不难以更低的工资找到人来坐他的位子,因为,在动荡的萧条形势下,这对其他工人是很有吸引力的。If they stalk off in anger, the employer should have no difficulty in hiring replacements at the lower wage, for in the unsettled conditions of a depression it will be attractive to other workers.