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经常性腿脚浮肿是为什么?Regular is dropsy of ability to walk why?

如果权力要用邪恶的腿脚走路,我又能奈其何!How can I help it, if power like to walk on crooked legs?

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你不妨坐出租车,因为你的腿脚行动不方便。You might as well call a taxi because your legs are weak.

蟋蟀们不断快速撕咬着对方的尖齿、腿脚和脑袋。Fangs rapidly and repeatedly clench fangs, legs and heads.

伊莎多拉喜欢用非常流畅的动作摆动手臂和腿脚。Isadora liked to move her arms and legs in very smooth motions.

侦察排的战士到这时候又都腿脚不灵,步履不稳了。The men in recon were clumsy now and uncertain of their footing.

他们常起源于腿脚反复感染和受侵犯。They result from recurrent infections and insults to the feet and legs.

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如果老虎爪子上的肉垫要像家猫一样粉红柔软的话,那老虎恐怕需要像河马那么粗的腿脚才站得起来。If a tiger's paws were as soft as a house cat's, he'd need hippo-sized feet to stand.

爱斯基摩狗胸部宽厚,脖子粗大,腿脚壮健,生来适于拖拉重载。Built for hard pulling, the Husky has a deep wide chest, thick neck and iron-hard legs.

乔刚好符合了马崎姑妈的要求,马崎姑妈的腿跛了不良于行,她恰恰需要一个腿脚勤快的人来伺候她。Jo happened to suit Aunt March, who was lame and needed an active person to wait upon her.

我出院之前,整形外科医生曾断言,说我的腿脚永远再也不会像从前那样灵便了。Before I left the hospital the orthopedic surgeon said I would never have the same mobility.

然后抓住弯曲腿脚跟与伸直腿相贴近的位置。Hold the position that curves leg calcaneal and press close to of unbend leg photograph next.

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76岁高龄的她因患骨关节炎腿脚僵硬了许多,但她仍然试图再现当年,以缓慢地速度转动宽阔摇晃地身架。At 76, stiff with osteoarthritis, she still attempted it, slowly revolving her broad, swaying beam.

才来无们家时刚好满月,腿脚还站不稳,已经学会了淘气。No, when they come home just one month, legs and feet also point instability, have learned naughty.

侧卧着让你的伴侣面对着你,抬高一只腿脚,留给伴侣一些空间。Lay on your side with your partner facing you, try pulling one leg up to allow room for your partner.

如果你感到疼痛、腿脚处拉伤或发炎,请立刻停止跑步。If you experience pain, inflammation or loss of function in the feet or legs, stop the run immediately.

大多数蜱虫从腿脚处下上爬,寻找下手处。Most ticks are probably picked up on the lower legs and then crawl up the body seeking a place to feed.

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但是,这个念头就象春天树上茁壮成长的芽苞,一旦长出就遏止不住地伸展腿脚。However, the idea of the spring as the trees grow Buds, once grown on the curb not to stretch legs and feet.

他推辞道,不,我的腿脚不利索,那些人答道,你肯定是到处兜售的商人And he says, "No, no, I'm too miserable and wretched," And the guy says, "Oh, you must be some kind of a merchant."

每到割漆的时候,腿脚有些不便的老人孤独的行走在割漆的路上。When the lacquer-reaping season comes, the old man, a bit crippled, walks alone on this mountain road to his trees.