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这个伎俩屡试不爽。That always does the trick.

这个办法屡试不爽,非常的好用!Time-tested this approach, very easy to use!

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不过,在过去的三年中却是屡试不爽。But it has been on the money in the past three years.

例子比较好找,总之就是反来复去那几个屡试不爽的英雄事迹。It is easy to find examples which are the forever efficient heroic deeds.

这就像个魔咒一样,我这么些年屡试不爽。I've done this for many years and it works like a charm, " said the director.

弗拉迪米尔·普京八年总统任期屡试不爽的咒语就是“稳定”。THE magic word during Vladimir Putin’s eight years as president was “stability”.

这是一种屡试不爽的手段,同样也被烟草工业广泛采用。It's a well-trodden technique, also deployed extensively by the tobacco industry.

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即使处于睡眠不足状态,我的恶作剧还是屡试不爽。Even in my sleep-deprived state I've managed to pull off one of my classic pranks.

很多夸夸其谈的人对那些足以让女人陷入爱河的谎言屡试不爽。The lies to make a woman fall in love or stay in love account for many truth-stretchers.

当然,还有许多让世界各地的姐妹同胞们屡试不爽的家用美容秘笈有待学习。There's much to be learned, then, from the at-home beauty tips of women around the world.

这位名叫罗伯特·C·汉明顿的医生将自己的这种技法称为“斜托法”,他说这种方法非常有效,屡试不爽。Dr Robert C Hamilton says his technique, dubbed "The Hold" , works every time without fail.

如果他们的搭档可以算作一个屡试不爽的黄金定律,想必有更多的导演愿意去遵循它。If their partnership is anything to go by, more directors should stick with a formula once perfected.

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也许是因为屡试不爽太过顺利,这种成规模的逃票竟发展到毫无遮掩的程度。Perhaps because of proven too smooth, the scale that train into the development of no cover to degree.

把妹达人们表示,虽然他们的技巧屡试不爽,但却并不能保证收获长远的恋情。PUAs say that their techniques, though good, aren’t a guarantee of long-term success in a relationship.

有空间的地方,就会有生命来占领,这个自然界的“潜”规则,在商业上同样屡试不爽。Where there is space, there will be lives to occupy it. this "unspoken" rule on commercial goes well all the time.

这种方法屡试不爽的原因就是运动刺激了多巴胺的产生,这是一种可以提高人们健康意识的荷尔蒙。This mostly works because exercise stimulates the production of dopamine, a hormone that increases your sense of well being.

而且只要我对某一个人摇头晃脑的微笑,我会得到同样一个摇头晃脑。屡试不爽。What is true that if I smiles with wagging head to somebody, I will definitely get a return of smiling wagging head. Never failed.

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屡试不爽的办法是货币人为或自行贬值,这可以使得出口变得更有竞争力,进而补平贸易赤字。The time-honoured answer is to devalue, or depreciate, the currency so that exports can become more competitive and the deficit can be closed.

为了采取更严密的安全措施,泰弗向叔叔学了一些屡试不爽的计策,比如利用化妆的替身侍女保护议员。Striving for stronger security measures, Typho adopted several of his uncle's unfailing practices, including the use of disguised decoy "handmaidens" to protect the Senator.

打造“世界上最大的广告”在不经意间就帮助创造了围绕广告本身而进行的免费媒体报道,这也是吸引对品牌和产品关注度的屡试不爽的良方。By creating' The World's biggest advert' automatically assists in creating free media coverage around the advert itself and is a sure fire recipe for grabbing attention for the brand or product.