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第二部分探讨澫益儒佛融通思想的基本路径。The second portion discusses the basic path of OuYi's opinions.

种子资金融通的来源是谁?他们寻找什么?Who are the sources of seed financing and what are they looking for?

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同时,与东南融通的情况一样,德勤签署了以前年度的报告。And, like the LFT situation, DTT had signed off on prior year accounts.

它们的比较和融通既有中西思想的一般特征,又有其独特性的一面。Their comparing and interacting has particular character as well as general one.

中国政府在德勤与东南融通一事上并不配合,这使得问题变得更为棘手。The posturing over the Deloitte-Longtop affair may make a resolution more difficult.

而“通其意”的创发理论,更丰富了他多技巧多风格融通创变的创造性实践。And his original theory further enriches his multi style and multi technique creation.

合会是旧时民间自愿组成的以关于金钱等财物融通为主的互助性临时组织。Hehui is a kind of temporary mutual aid team of old times to circulate necessary funds.

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然而,二者均以“正义”为终极目标,因而在“和而不同”之中又表现出融通的迹象。However, both regard the justice as the ultimate goal and then show signs of financing.

而文化交流与融通的要义与要则之一,则是应当对此保持清醒。One of the key points of cultural exchanges is that people should keep cool consideration.

船舶融资即指航运业中的经济主体融通和筹措船舶投资资金的行为和活动。Shipping financing is the action of the ship-owner who raising money to invest into the ship.

东南融通于2007年在纽约证券交易所进行首次公开募股。Longtop began trading on the New York Stock Exchange after an initial public offering in 2007.

天地融通全力支持中国在2020年成为创新国家的雄心。Tiandi Rongtong is committed to support China's ambition to become an Innovate Country by 2020.

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以应收账款作为担保物能起到融通资金、加速资金流转的重要作用。As a guarantee it could help incorporating funds and accelerate the circulation of the capital funds.

补偿贸易与融资租赁是企业融通资金的两条有效途径。Compensate trade and financing tenancy are two effective approaches to accommodate capital in a bank.

这套办法之所以创立,是由于黄金已不足以融通国际收支中的逆差。This system was devised because gold was no longer sufficient to finance balance-of-payment deficits.

股权质押作为一种新兴的担保方式,对繁荣市场、融通资金具有重要作用。As a rising guarantee mode, the Pledge system of Share Rights plays roles in market boom and financing.

现在美联储数据转储由“多德-法兰克”托管,今年早些时候,国会通过了融通票据。Today's Fed data dump was mandated by Dodd-Frank, the big finance bill Congress passed earlier this year.

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近代江南农村需要向典当融通资金的人口中,既有贫困阶层,也有富裕阶层。Among the peasants who had to borrow loan from pawnshop, there was some poverty class as well as wealthy class.

融通过往几十年的治疗经验,海灵格发现过去和现在之间有着神奇的连结。Integrating decades of therapeutic experiences Hellinger has discovered amazing links between past and presence.

融通基金管理有限公司更新融通行业景气证券投资基金招募说明书。Factoring Fund Management Co. , Ltd. updated finance industry boom of the Securities Investment Fund prospectuses.