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2011年,欧元区将面临更大的困境几乎是铁板钉钉。An even bigger mess seems all but certain in 2011.

人们应该记住我们的建议并非铁板钉钉。People should remember that our proposals aren't carved in stone.

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之前试点计划所做的努力会被这一法案抹杀,这是铁板钉钉已经发生的事情。This is exactly what happened to undermine previous pilot program efforts.

本来朋友答应好好的可以说算是铁板钉钉的事情了,到现在突然之间反悔了。Originally friend promised good can be said to be decided things, now all of a sudden.

从我这一路的见闻看来,西安未来商业上的崛起似乎铁板钉钉。So the future commercial success of Xi'an seems guaranteed given the companies and evidence I saw.

他在过去的八年里获得过三次奥斯卡提名,而今年春天的第四次提名更是铁板钉钉。He's been nominated for three Oscars in the past eight years, and a fourth this spring is a 'virtual certainty.

潜在接班人倾向于听那些他们更想听到的而且他们坦率的相信他们的任命是铁板钉钉子的事情了。The potential heirs tend to hear what they want to hear and honestly believe that their appointment is a done deal.

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研究人员补充说道,这对少数族裔妇女而言更是铁板钉钉的事实,公共卫生项目应鼓励她们每日服用维生素补充剂。This is especially true of minority women, the researchers add, and public health programs should encourage them to take a vitamin supplement every day.

他极有可能留在这个位子上,对于欧文哈格里夫斯的到来,这也意味着迈克尔卡里克可能不再是铁板钉钉的首发。He is likely to continue in that "hole", with the arrival of Hargreaves meaning Michael Carrick can no longer be regarded as a mandatory first-team pick.

中兴通讯旗下的中兴网信在衡兴建“共享服务”中心已经“铁板钉钉”。Amid cheerful telecommunication underneath of amid the cheerful net believes in the Heng and builds "share service" center already "sheet iron plate nail nail".

鉴于铁板钉钉的证据——那些吊车照片,中方的集装箱,载货单和合同——警方认为的确有其事。In light of the overwhelming evidence -- the photos of the cranes, the Chinese partners' shipping container, the manifests, the contracts -- the Chinese agree that a "crime" was committed.