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书山有路勤为径,is。学海无涯苦作舟。There is no roy's road to learning.

让您的孩子从此学海无涯“习”作舟!Teaching kids how to learn & love learn!

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有学识的人知道学海无涯。Learned people know they can never learn enough.

学海无涯。毕业只标志着一个人受教育的一个阶段。Graduation only marks a stage of one's education.

书山有路先干为净,学海无涯八宝作粥。Way before the book dry hills and a net is short stunt for porridge.

人生有限,学海无涯,懂得选择性吸取知识至为重要。Life is limited, knowledge is oceanic, selective learning is very important.

学海无涯苦作舟,想要学业有成必须经过一番努力。There is no end in learning. A lot of efforts are needed for final achievement.

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书山有路先干为敬,学海无涯八宝作粥。There is a road to Xiangan king, eight porridge for There is no end for learning.

书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。用英语怎么写?Mountain road to the book for the track, learning is endless suffering for the boat.

她有感学海无涯,打算继续深造硕士课程。With so many things yet to learn, Venus plans to pursue a Master's degree after graduation.

学海无涯,一杯茶,一本书,或许一个下午就是如此的闲适和舒适。Learning has no limination. a cup of tea , a book, maybe with this afternoon is very intreasting and fine.

人生有限,学海无涯。知识对我们很重要,所以,当我们还年轻,我们应该多学一点。Art is long , but life is short . episteme is very important to us, so we should learn more when we are young.

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我深信,“书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟”,书是我最好的伙伴,它让我学到了更多的知识,懂得了真理是什么。I believe, "there is no royal road to learning". Books are my best friend, I learn more knowledge, and know what truth is.

当然,这一些是远远不够的,学海无涯,在下一年里,还有更多的知识和经验是需要学习和借鉴的。Of course, some of this is not enough, Xuehaiwuya next year, as well as more knowledge and experience is the need to learn from.