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稚拙美艺术由来已久、源远流长。Natural beauty art has a long history.

事实上,蛆疗法由来已久。Maggot medicine, in fact, has a long history.

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“特情剧”与观众的渊源由来已久。"Spy film" has a long association with audience.

但是我们对于南方的成见由来已久But the idea of Southern stereotypes is very, very old.

国际高考移民现象由来已久。"The immigrants for NCEE" is a long-standing phenomenon.

湟源排灯由来已久,约有二百多年的历史。Huangshui light source has a long history, about 200 years.

用火鸡骨拔河的传统由来已久。The tradition of turkey bone tug-of-war goes back a long way.

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而把色彩作为某种象征的传统也由来已久,且具有世界性的。As a certain sign, color has enjoyed a long, world-wide history.

不过其中有些缩略语的历史由来已久。But some abbreviations have been around for longer than expected.

用语音激活进行搜索的设想由来已久。The idea of voice-activated search has been around for some time.

你肯定听说过不要在公牛面前晃红布这一由来已久的忠告。You've heard the old warning about waving red in front of a bull.

编钟研究由来已久,从先秦时期绵延至今。The research of chime-bells have a long time, far from pre-Qin period.

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医院欠费问题由来已久,但并未引起足够的重视。The arrears of hospitals hasn t been paid attention to for a long time.

当然,北京对这个西南方邻国的关切担忧由来已久。To be sure, Beijing's worries about their southern neighbor are not new.

影壁作为传统建筑中的构建,由来已久。Screen wall as the traditional architecture of the building, a long time.

其中用罗夏测验来研究攻击已经是由来已久的事。Researching of aggression by the Rorschach test has begun for a long time.

混响作为水声学中的基本物理现象之一,它的研究由来已久。Reverberation is one of the basic physical phenomena in under-water acoustic.

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公司强拉银行做后盾的历史由来已久。There is a long history of companies pushing banks to stand behind their deals.

回顾历史,伟大的先哲们对“什么是幸福”的思考由来已久。In history, the great sages had thought about"what happiness is"for a long time.

海外的撒拉族研究工作虽然由来已久,然而进展缓慢。Over the past century Salar research outside China has been making slow progresses.