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这种事我们一般走走过场就完了。Such thing is all about routines.

如今,我甚至不愿去“走过场”。Now I don't even go through the motions.

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我要告诉我的客户,当不走过场起重重量。I think my inspection is just some sort of formality.

这种事我们一般走走过场就完了。Generally speaking, we don't take this kind of matter too serisouly.

我对这个项目并不感冒,只是走走过场而已。I'm not really into this project. I'm just going through the motions.

我要告诉我的客户,当不走过场起重重量。I like to tell my clients to not just go through the motion when lifting weights.

它在提醒你,如果只是走走过场,生命可是太短暂了。She's here to remind you that life is too short for simply going through the motions.

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我深信这个新方法起不了什么作用,但仍还得走过场。I'm convinced the new method won't work but I'll still have to go through the motions.

不过大部分案例只不过是在媒体上曝曝光,走走过场也就不了了之了,就算死者的亲属坚持认为受害者是无辜的也是如此。But most barely register in the media, even when relatives insist the victim was innocent.

这样的惩罚是否会影响平壤,抑或成为走过场的形式之举还不清楚。It is unclear whether that penalty will affect Pyongyang or come off as a slap on the wrist.

如果你在经营事业的话,你不能只是走走过场而已。You can't afford to just coast along, or go through the motions, if you're running a business.

领导班子成员为人、做事要求实,不虚情假意,不搞形式主义,不走过场。The leadership team's members must work realistic, not hypocrisy, not make formalism, don't fraud.

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经济动力充足,令北京暂时可靠零星改革来走过场。The economy has sufficient momentum that Beijing can muddle through with piecemeal reforms for now.

对于大部分人来说,生活不过是走过场,例行公事、懈怠松弛、投入最少的努力就好。For most, it's about going through the motions. It is a life of routine, slackness, and minimal effort.

这种以情景为背景的技巧可以帮助您以用户的身份按步就班地将整个系统或流程走过场。This scenario-based technique lets you walk through the whole system or process, step by step, as a user.

我们都看到很多员工只是走走过场,或者只努力到退休前为止。We'veall seen employees who are just going through the motions, or who werejust "putting in the time" until retirement.

应注意单位专职安全员的配备,重视安全宣传教育,安全检查不能走过场。It goes on to point out that full-time safety personnel is also be allocated and making great efforts on safe education.

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这是因为它有其根据的精神,上帝,谁不能装在一个圣礼方块或走过场的公式。This is because it has its basis in the Spirit of God, who cannot be encased in a sacramental box or a ritualistic formula.

这种走过场的形式到处都是,毕竟我们的总统在讲话的时候,很喜欢装成德州佬的样子,他不喜欢做面子工程This kind of ritual honor all the time I mean after all we have a president who just likes to speak like a Texan, he doesn't do all that honor stuff.

这我就不知道了,起先我们也以为县衙只是走走过场,搜不到人也就罢了。This I didn't know, at first we also think the county Ya just once walked a field, Air Max 2009 I can not like her, could not search a person also just.