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此处引文从略。The quotation is omitted here.

“这段引文非常有趣,”西王母说。"The quotation is funny, " she said.

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你用一句绝妙的引文很恰当地开始。You fitly begin with an elegant quotation.

她的演讲引文太多。Her lecture was overweighted with quotations.

这段引文是从报上抄录来的。This quotation is taken from a newspaper article.

所有引自拉丁语本白勺引文都经过翻译。All quotations from Latin texts are given in translation.

史密斯先生说,引文开始,我将不竞选州长,引文结束。Mr. Smith said quote I will not run for governor unquote.

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有些辞典的编纂者用引文作例证以解释词义。Some dictionary writer use citation to show what word mean.

我终于在引语词典中查到了那段引文。I finally tracked down the reference in a dictionary of quotations.

这句引文我仿佛见过,但我不能确定它的作者是谁。I seem to recognize the quotation, but I cannot pin it down to its author.

就是那个老师,他因为学生引文没写完就把学生锁到小房间里。That's the teacher who locked the kid in a closet for not closing a quote.

结尾的方法有归纳法、引文法、反问法等。At the end of the methods of induction, citation analysis, rhetorical method.

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阿贡也是排名世界第六位高影响引文列表。Argonne is also ranked sixth in the world on the list of high-impact citations.

引文。“股海诡异”恐怕是许多证券投资人的共同心声。"Unit sea case" is probably the common aspiration of many securities investors.

我更希望我的学生掌握这样的技能,而非什么引文的适当风格。I'd rather my students master skills like these than proper style for citations.

你将这段引文从第一段剪贴到我们文章的中间。Cut and paste this quotation from the first paragraph into the middle of our essay.

据引文提到,准晶体在自然界中首次被发现是2009年。They were discovered in nature for the first time in 2009, according to the citation.

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学述论著中的参考引文与知识产权有着密切的关系。The reference and Citation in academic papers closely relate to intellectual property.

为独立日找有趣的引文已成为博主们的习俗。IT HAS become a custom of bloggers to find an intriguing quotation for Independence Day.

引文统计分析是文献计量学的一个重要方法。Statistic analysis of the citation is one of the most important methods in bibliometrics.