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巫师利用梦来诊断疾病。to diagnose illness.

每个巫师都能感觉到它。Every Wizard can feel it.

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我大败了黑巫师!I defeated the dark sorcerer!

巫师带着冷酷的怜悯微笑着。Magicka smiled with cool pity.

巫师把她抬回了房间。Shaman Bata Tai back to the room.

他是个怪物,是一个巫师!?He is a monster and a necromancer!

我大败了黑巫师!耶!I defeated the dark sorcerer! Woot!

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他是当地的术士,是个巫师。He's a local juju man, witch doctor.

巫师的字典里没有“不可能”这个词。Impossible? A ---knows no such word.

它们看守巫师监狱——阿兹卡班。They guard the wizard prison, Azkaban.

他们可以援引巫师,而且经常会改变形状。They can be invoked by sorcerers , and.

他是威肖的巫师,约翰·希金斯!He's the wizard of Wishaw, John Higgins!

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请在巫师王座面前,宣誓你的忠诚。Swear your fealty to the Wizard's Throne.

这一定是巫师嬉皮士的黎明。This must be the dawn of wizard hipsters.

那巫师置那武士于奴隶地位。The sorcerer held the knight in thralldom.

如果我告诉你我爷爷是个巫师呢?What if I tell you my grandpa is a warlock?

在巫师的世界,书籍随处可见。Books are everywhere in the Wizarding World.

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魔术家、男巫、巫师和男巫士。Magician, wizard, necromancer, and sorcerer.

谁用摩法?女巫,巫师和妖怪。Who uses magic? Witches, wizards and genies.

亡灵巫师可以召唤远程骷髅了。Necromancers can raise ranged Skeletal Mages.