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那地主迫使雇农们累死累活地干。The landlord almost worked the farmhands to death.

为了换换心情。之前十年我在丹弗工作得累死累活。I spent the last decade working my ass off in Denver.

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辛苦一天累死累活却从来没有人说你一句好!A hard day's life but never dead people say you a good!

我累死累活地干,然而他甚至连谢也不谢我!I sweated blood on that job yet he didn't even thank me!

那些辛辛苦苦累死累活的人挣不到几个子儿。Those people that are toiling and moiling will get no more than peanuts.

当你的付出没有得到回报时,你会很容易疑惑“我为什么要这样累死累活的呢?”。When your actions produce no results, it's easy to wonder why you're bothering at all.

上个世纪没有工会,因此人们可被驱使着累死累活地干活。In the last century, there were no trade unions, and so workers could be made to sweat blood.

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研究表明,20秒的笑声产生的效益等同于30分钟累死累活的划艇运动。Studies have shown 20 seconds of laughter yield the same benefits as 30 minutes of hard rowing.

沃尔特在累死累活地挣钱养家,这样子帕蒂就可以成天呆在家里,做她的疯狂主妇。Walter is killing himself earning his salary so that she can stay home all day and be a mad housewife.

父亲一辈子没做过什么特别的事但所特别的是,所有的事情他都不怕麻烦地去做,他整天累死累活地工作就是为了养活家人。It's never been one special thing that my father has done but all the special things he has gone out of his way to do.

好好想想你怎么这么自私,我每天加班加点累死累活地工作,没时间陪你玩这种无聊的游戏!Think about why you're being so selfish. I work long, hard hours everyday and don't have time for such childish games.

傲慢的古奥强迫邦基克兄弟每天累死累活地完善自己那辆笨重的飞梭赛车。The arrogant Guo forced the Bonkik brothers to toil away to near-exhaustion every day as they worked to perfect his hulking Podracer.

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做面包需要更多的小麦,更别提还要累死累活的捡那些散落在地上的恼人的种子。Much more wheat is needed to make bread, not to mention the backbreaking task of picking up loose seeds that tumble irritatingly to the ground.

更令他心烦的是,他天天扛着锄头去田里累死累活,但是不解人意的庄稼,似乎一点也没有长高,真让人着急。What is more annoying is that the satisfactory crops seemed not to grow at all, though he carried a hoe to field every day and worked hard. How upset the man is!

由于这种闹钟非经人工干涉停不下来,你绝不会睡过头而赶不上那份剥削人不眨眼,累死累活的工作。And since there is no way the alarm can be put to snooze or stopped without human intervention, you will never again sleep in and get late for your precious slave labor of a job.