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物证应当提交原物。Material evidence must also be original.

物证应当提交原物。Material evidence shall also be original.

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物证应当提交原物。Physical evidence shall also be original.

法医物证学通过技术揭开犯罪谜底。Forensics uses this technology to help uncover crimes.

他以一些物证作为控告的证据。He evidenced his accusation with some material evidence.

结果发现这些物证在搜查过程中已被污染。The evidence, it turns out, was tainted during the search.

警察开始整理有价值的物证。The police began sorting through a trove of physical evidence.

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黑色绝缘胶带是犯罪现场的常见物证。Black insulating tapes are familiar evidence at criminal sites.

但调查人员并没有找到碰撞发生的明显物证。No obvious physical evidence of such a collision has been found.

没有物证或者记录下来的准确描述来证明这些理论。There is no physical evidence or accurate description on record.

保留所有的物证,请勿换衣或清洗。Preserve all the physical evidence. Don't change clothes or wash.

在墨西哥远古的波拿蒙派克遗址的“物证”照片?"Material evidence" of the ancient images at Mexico's Bonampak site?

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血迹斑斑的,在那张桌子上,充作物证。There it is, all blood-stained, on the desk, as a testimony of the crime.

马来西亚官员埃米-沙阿-法迪勒说,没有想到会搜查到这种物证。Malaysian officer Emmi Shah Fadhil said that the bust had been unexpected.

高架渠是人类文明发展的主要物证。The aqueduct is the material evidence of mankind civilization development.

DNA分析技术和基因指纹法是法医物证学取得的重要发展之一。"DNA Profiling or "Genetic Fingerprinting" is a major advancement in forensics.

凶器既然已经发现,那么对自卫一说提供了有利物证。And if a weapon was found, then that lends real credence to self-defense as a motive.

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2002年都兰县新发现的东罗马金币为此提供了又一重要物证。In 2002 years, Qinghai province discovered a new East Rome gold coin in Dulan county.

冈村将调查结果汇报给武忠一郎,此事人证物证具在。Gang village will report the results of the survey to Wu Zhongyi lang, the witness in.

这项DNA研究的关键物证就是于2008年发现的丹尼索万人的指骨化石。The centerpiece of the DNA study is a Denisovan fossil finger bone discovered in 2008.