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将这函件放入文卷总档中。Put this letter in the main file.

函件使用了看上去正式的世行信笺。Official-looking Bank letterhead was used.

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其他紧急函件,从一个汽车修理部发向另一个。Other urgent messages from one garage to the other.

她修改了函件的措辞,使它更规范一些。She rephrased the letter to give it more formality.

正式照会实质上是正式的个人函件。Formal Note is essentially a formal personal letter.

我们之间的通信只限于几封商业函件。Our correspondence is limited to a few commercial letters.

在英特网上,人们可以写作、发送和接收电子函件。People can write, send and receive emails over the internet.

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函件无法投递时务必退还原主。In case of non-delivery, letters must be returned to the senders.

函件业务是中国邮政企业的核心产品。Letters mailing is the core product for Chinese postal enterprise.

用户已同意将其删除,但不记得在电子函件地址记录。The user has agreed to remove it but cannot remember the log in e. mail address.

我督导其他三位女职员,我还负责处理公司的函件。I supervised three other girls and also took care of the company's correspondence.

故特来信请求另寄一份无改动的新表来或者寄回老表格加一上封正工的函件证明入学日期。Or return the old form to me plus a formal letter certifying the date of enrollment.

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培养写作法律函件、电子邮件及撰写法律文书的能力。Legal Writing develops the ability to draft formal letters, emails, and legal documents.

据推测,一看到这份函件,大臣会立刻释放他的。It was evident that at the sight of this document the minister would instantly release him.

你们的使者若望及阿贝沙隆呈递下附的函件,请求批准所列的事项。John and Absalom, your envoys, have delivered to us your written petitions, asking us to respond.

很多需要答复的跑腿差事、电话、函件以及其他忙活充斥着你的议事日程。Many errands, phone calls, letters which require a response, and other "busywork" is on the agenda.

我计划有许多笔友和交流函件,这样我就可以筹集更多的邮票来自函件。I plan to have many pen pals and exchange letters with them, so I can collect more stamps from letters.

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处理文件,登记、归档、统计资料、打印、复印函件资料等。Processing of documentation, registration, archiving , statistics, printing, copying letters and so on.

运用面向对象的分析和设计方法,开发了一个国际邮政函件业务处理信息系统。This paper presents an information system for international letter mail processing with the aid of OOA&OOD.

传递函件,是指收寄信函,明信片、印刷品的业务。The delivery of letters refers to the business of receiving and sending letters, postcards , and printed matters.