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您的巨缆依然吞吐着北大西洋。Thy cables breathe the North Atlantic still.

蒸汽吞吐可进行至不经济时为止。Huff and puff is continued until it becomes uneconomical.

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DRR继承了DRR在平均吞吐率上的公平性。LL-DR. R, inherits the fairness of DRR on average throughput.

1997年在吉林油田新立、新木采油厂进行5口井微生物吞吐,累计增油509吨。We injected 5 wells in Jilin oilfield in 1997 and increased 509 tons of oil.

分析结果表明MVB在吞吐率、时延等方面均具有优势。Analysisresults show that MVB predominates at aspects of throughput and delay.

2003年在大港油田第五采油厂进行10口井微生物吞吐,增油385吨。We injected 10 wells in Dagang oilfield in 2003 and increased 385 tons of oil.

2000年在吉林油田新民采油厂进行20口井微生物吞吐,增油1246吨。We injected 20 wells in Jilin oilfield in 2000 and increased 1246 tons of oil.

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1999年在吉林油田新民采油厂进行21口井微生物吞吐,增油1030吨。We injected 21 wells in Jilin oilfield in 1999 and increased 1030 tons of oil.

1998年在吉林油田新立采油厂进行30口井微生物吞吐,增油4054吨。We injected 30 wells in Jilin oilfield in 1998 and increased 4054 tons of oil.

2001年在吉林油田新民采油厂进行30口井微生物吞吐,增油1881吨。We injected 30 wells in Jilin oilfield in 2001 and increased 1881 tons of oil.

他头微偏着,用深沉的嗓音吞吐出精挑细选的语词。With head slightly tilted he would mince his carefully selected words in a deep voice.

主要性能指标由丢包率、TCP吞吐率、延迟和延迟抖动等来进行衡量。Performance is measured in terms of packet loss, TCP throughput, delay, and delay jitter, etc.

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1997年在大港油田进行微生物吞吐,累计增油1473吨。We did microbial stimulation project in Dagang oilfield in 1997 and increased 1473 tons of oil.

稠油区块经过多轮次蒸汽吞吐之后出现油汽比低、含水高的问题。Low oil?steam ratio and high water cut occurred after multicycle huff and puff in heavy oil block.

SonicWALL以E7500的多核设计来保证系统的吞吐速度能力。SonicWALL credits the NSA E7500’s multicore design with the system’s throughput speed capabilities.

通过单井注水吞吐,可以补充地层能量,恢复油井产量。Using single well waterflood stimulation could help complement producing energy and oil production.

TCP发送接收窗口的大小影响着TCP拥塞窗口所能达到的最大值,从而影响了TCP业务所能达到的吞吐率。The size of TCP send and receive buffer have an impact on the maximum value of TCP congestion window.

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让我们尽情吞吐这种生命的氧分,即使风沙侵袭,我们的人间依然温暖如春。Let us enjoy this life Yangfen throughput, even if the sandstorms hit, our world still warm as spring.

造船所可以建造更为大型的船舶,码头扩建后亦可更好管理贸易吞吐。Dockyard allows the construction of larger ships, and the improved wharves make trade easier to manage.

在CO_2吞吐实验中,针对CO_2吞吐的生产规律及其影响因素,进行了一系列室内实验。Fourth, Though the CO_2 huff -puff experiment indoor, we researched on the effect of CO_2 huff and puff.