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警察逮捕了那些年轻人,并进行搜身寻找使他们负罪的东西。The youths were arrested and searched for anything that would incriminate them.

如果他们同意加入你的计划,你就没理由感到负罪,对吧?If they agreed to participate in your project, there is no reason to feel guilty, right?

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何况,我还亲眼看到,在作了这样一番倾诉之后,那些负罪的兄弟们有多么轻松!And ever, after such an outpouring, oh, what a relief have I witnessed in those sinful brethren!

然而,这个苍白虚弱、负罪而伤透心的男人的皱眉,却是海丝特所忍受不了,会让她死掉的!But the frown of this pale, weak, sinful, and sorrow-stricken man was what Hester could not bear, and live!

许多基督徒不把性看作是应该感恩的礼物,而是必须承受的负罪的重荷。Many Christians don't see sex as a gift for which to be thankful, but as a guilt-ridden burden to be borne.

我带着负罪的心理一五一十的交待了我和黎排长的关系。I count by fives and tens with the mentality bearing the crime confessing Platoon Leader our and Li relation.

总是有可能去打破恐惧和负罪的错误怪圈,因为先说出口看起来并不总是很难。It is always possible to break the vicious circle of fear and guilt. Because it seems that it is not always hard to say it first.

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如果试图将惩罚加在耶稣身上,这将会是双重负罪,对救世主来说将是一种屈辱。And to try to add to the punishment that Jesus received for him will be to do double jeopardy, and it will be to dishonor the Savior.

造成如此尴尬的原因是强烈的负罪意识,忘我的牺牲精神,无法排解的矛盾。Such an embarrassment stems from his intense awareness of blamefulness, the selfless spirit of sacrifice and the irreconcilable contradictions.

陀氏则是因为追求自由的天性与他虔诚的宗教信仰在内心形成了严重的冲突,从而产生严重的负罪意识。Doistoryevsky felt this incriminatory consciousness because of the strong conflict between his nature to pursue freedom and his pious religious beliefs.

是否成长于宗教观念家庭对于流产儿所带给她们的负罪和不安感似乎没有多大影响。It doesn’t seem to matter if they have been raised in religious homes or not, the act of aborting their own children can leave them with feelings of guilt and anxiety.

也许什么时候你不用服安眠药也能睡着,而且那些看到死去的流浪猫咪和小包包得不到英超冠军的负罪和痛苦的噩梦也不会困扰你了。Perhaps in time you'll not need the sleeping pills and the nightmares of guilt and pain of seeing the dead kittens and Ickle Stevie not winning the Premiership will pass.

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凡事亲力亲为,不靠任何帮助,这样的女人在事情不按计划发展的时候更容易有挫败感,负罪、沮丧的心理后来就逐渐演变为抑郁症。Women who try to do it all without any help are more likely to feel they are failures when things do not go to plan, with guilt and frustration triggering a spiral towards depression.