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即使实在要用,倒叙法也该用得节制。Flashbacks should be used sparingly, if at all.

他童年的故事是用倒叙法来表现的。The events of his boyhood are shown in a flashback.

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安妮有一个关于她在艾斯芬尼塔时间倒叙。Anne has a flashback about her time in the Espheni Tower.

而在叙事时序上主要是利用倒叙和预叙制造悬念。As for narrative scheduling, flashback and prolepse were mainly used.

小说倒叙到女主人公生活中20年前的一天。The novel backflashes to a day in the heroine's life 20 years before.

影片倒叙往事,这样我们就了解到了她的原因。The film cut back to the earlier scene so that we understood her reasons.

被用的拍摄风格也是一个混合的袋子,藉由重复,快的削减和倒叙基准。The filming style used is also a mixed bag, with repetitions, quick cuts and flashbacks the norm.

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无论顺叙或倒叙都可以,但记得在简历中保持一致。Both chronological and reverse chronological are acceptable but stick with the same throughout your CV.

随着倒叙的影像的继续,它让我想起了这本书中独一无二的那些祷告文。As this flash back phenomena continued, it occurred to me to pray the unique prayer suggested in this book.

作者在叙述赫微香的故事时,既紧凑又周详,用的是倒叙手法。The author describes the Miss Habersham He's story, both compact and they are comprehensive, using a flashback approach.

这一“倒叙式”机杼并非如通常所认为的是独创,而有着文学史渊源。This narration mode of flashback is not an original creation people usually think but has its historical origins of Literature.

这部小说以倒叙的手法描述了一位辗转回国的七旬老妇人劳拉一生的悲剧命运,劳拉的一生几乎都是在压抑与等待中虚度。This novel focuses on a seventy-year-old woman's miserable life. Nora has been waiting in oppression almost for her whole life.

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同样,古老记忆的概念是一个再现的主题,用倒叙的手法在现实中复生。Similarly, the concept of old memories are a recurring theme, with flashbacks and past actions having repercussions to the present.

西蒙·比尤弗伊的剧本以倒叙方式描写了这三个孩子的生活,折射出印度在过去15年之间纷杂动荡的历史。SimonBeaufoy's script tells the three lives in flashbacks that illuminate India's dynamicand troubled history over the past 15 years.

他借用倒叙的手段来造成叙事时间和故事时间的倒错,利用场景、概要、停顿的有规律的交替来形成文本的基本节奏。Zhangtianyi was very good at using it. He made use of inversion narration to interlace between the narrative time and the story time.

影片开头是一段倒叙,斯塔克讲述着自己的经历,解释如何犯下错误,并制造出一群可能令其改变终生的怪物。The movie begins with a flashback, in which Stark tells his story, explaining how his bad behavior created the demons that would change his life.

可是,当我每次停止祷告的时候,我的心完全开始几环布兰森类型的正义,那些倒叙的影像就会回来了。However, every time I stopped praying, my mind immediately started planning more Bronson style justice and the flashback phenomena would returned.

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在数周没有救援迹象的情况下,生还者们努力适应岛上生活,这当中又穿插着倒叙了他们在坠机前的生活。After weeks with no sign of a rescue, survivors try to adjust to life on the island as episodes provide flashbacks to their lives before the crash.

首字母C代表cascading——一种由上至下的时间倒叙展示方式,其中,最近更新的文件位于页面顶端,这样,你便能以最简洁的页面形式浏览文件,然后接入或浏览新媒介上的更新文件。The letter “C” in the acronym stands for cascading, meaning you can apply styles in one file and import or roll over newer properties in a later file.

那部电影以倒叙的手法描述了一个没有短期记忆的男人的故事,这个错综复杂的故事情节在网上激起了影迷的热烈讨论。That film provoked intense internet debates about its puzzling story, which was told backwards from the point of view of a man with no short-term memory.