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艺术经过陶冶才能变得清明。Art will become clear after being edified.

对于那些弥足珍贵的清明时刻。When you get those rare moments of clarity.

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清明时节雨,四月芳菲尽。Ching Ming Festival, rain, April Fangfei do.

燕子来时新社,梨花落后清明。The new agency to swallow, pear behind qingming.

全然清明难道真的会比神智不清还糟吗?Can Sanity really be so much worse than insanity?

演员们在清明上河园表演。Actors perform in Millennium City Park in Kaifeng.

你的心灵是你最重要和珍贵的资产,你必须尽力保护,维持其纯净清明。Your mind is your most important and precious asset.

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清明小长假正是最好的观赏时节。Qingming Festival is the best time to admire the beauty.

满街杨柳绿丝烟,画出清明二月天。Green silk road willow smoke, draw qingming February day.

在一个天气清明的夜晚,我带着提包和行李,侵扰了他的家庭。One fine evening with bag and baggage I invaded his home.

随着时间的推移,寒食节被清明扫墓所代替了。Over time, Hanshi Day was replaced with tomb-sweeping day.

到2010年清明前爸爸全副武装去采蜜。Ching Ming 2010 fully armed to go before the father nectar.

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节期一般在清明前两日或一日。Normally during the Ching Ming Festival two-day or day before.

这微小的动作,让上官清明心中一暖。This small deed, lets pure clear heart of officer in a lukewarm.

阔别这清明明亮、极冷的客栈房间,以及那无尽的空虚感慨。From this dark, cold hotel room, and the endlessness that you feel.

从表面来看,塞舌尔很富有,吏治清明。To the casual eye, Seychelles seems both fortunate and well-governed.

每逢清明时节,人们不仅白天放,夜间也放。Every qingming day, people not only BaiTianFang, also put on at night.

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对上海人而言,青团是清明祭祖时必不可少的供品。As for Shanghai, green groups are very ancestor-worship clear offerings.

在登上茶山的路上,我看见路旁到处是清明花。Dasan boarded the way I saw the street full of clear and bright flowers.

知足、平静、清明的这念心,便是真富贵。A mind of contentment, tranquility, and clarity is true wealth and honor.