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世态入眼,人情入心。The world with eyes, human heart.

抬头、浅笑、这世态的悲凉。Look up, smile, the world desolate.

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看透世态,看淡世事。Through the world, see light the world.

但是此时我才分明体味到世态的炎凉,人心的不古!But now I just clear to appreciate the naked, generally not ancient!

但当管人事的人也被解雇时,我们确实感受到世态之艰难。But when even personnel people are being canned, times really are hard.

第三章主要分析艾衲居士对时风世态的关注。Chapter three mainly analyses Aina Jushi s concern of the ways of the world.

他们对人对事有一股潇洒劲,洞察世态的样子。They have a natural and unrestrained enthusiasm, and insight into the world like state.

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他们是未来艺术的世态表述,他们的故事,未完,待续。They are the society expression of future art, and their stories are unfinished, to be continued.

他们是未来艺术的世态表述,他们的故事,未完,待续。They are the society expression_r_r_r of future art, and their stories are unfinished, to be continued.

我见过你最深情的面孔和最柔软的笑意,在炎凉的世态之中,灯火一样给予我苟且的能力。I have seen your most affectionate face and the soft smile, in the magazine world, lamp gives me struggling ability.

本人长年在外,混的正经不赖,虽然挣点外块,但是懂的人生的世态!俗话说人的命天注定胡思乱想没有用!I am many years away, mixing the decent not bad, although the Zhengdian outer block, but the life of the world understand the state!

潘氏美文以人的精神情态为着眼点,以人情世态为聚光镜来看取社会、看取人生。Viewing society and life from the angle of peoples spirit, emotion and attitude, Pans essays lay stress on social cultural criticism.

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少年时的金凯瑞只能放弃读书而帮助家庭维持生活,现实使他看清了世态的炎凉。When young Jim Carrey could only give up reading and to help families living in reality to enable him to see the state of the world Yan Liang.

中国历史进入宋代,宋人的世态风情、生活习俗发生了许多变化,呈现出许多富有时代特征的社会风气。In Chinese history, the Song Dynasty has witnessed enormous changes in public morals, and customs and manners, bearing the characteristics of the age.

在张爱玲的作品中,“家”一直是她恋恋于描摹与表现的对象,是她观察世态人生,再现人物内心动态的窗口。In Eileen Chang's works, Home never stops to be her object of description and presentation, her window to observe the society and people's inner world.

失却了现实存在的地域,丢失了心灵依托的载体,你我将没法企图存活在端庄的世态里。Lost the reality of the existence of the region, relying on the carrier lost soul, can not you and I will attempt to survive in a dignified attitude in the World.

世态的展示,性格的刻画,温婉的风格、高超的艺术技巧不仅显示出与欧洲喜剧的一脉相承,也体现出作者独特的创作才华。Revelation of manners, gentle style, excellent art technique not only shows correspondence with European comedy, but also embodys the author's distinctive creating genius.

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面对宋元以来男性渴求女性佐助的角色扮演世态,话本小说的作者纷纷把“女助男”母题作为创作的重心。Following the ways of the world of male expectation of female assistance since the Song and Yuan Dynasties, a lot of writers of stories focus on the topic of the female helping the male.

在文学创作实践中,现实社会中的“食货”等物欲世态常常与小说文本的叙事形态达成一种同构共谋关系,发生结构层面的置换。In the practice of literary writing, there is a homologous relationship between the "food and goods" desire and the narrative structure of novel, generating the replacement in structure.

第二类主要刻画出在传统文化与巫楚文化观照下的人生世态,并展现人们的生存追求。以长篇小说为主。The second kind by the novel primarily, mainly portrays in the traditional culture and under the witch Chu culture contemplation life ways of the world, and unfolds people's survival pursue.