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我这是去临终老人收容所。I’m on my way to a hospice.

你们收容所里有些坏女人。There are bad girls in your slums.

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下了飞机,我们立刻寻找收容所。On landing, we immediately sought asylum.

我们也正在寻找修建其他的新收容所的位址。We are looking for other sites for new camps.

马萨诸塞州的收容所已经爆满。In Massachusetts, homeless shelters are at capacity.

所以,他被拖出收容所,关进监狱。So he was dragged out of the shelter and put in jail.

摩根说收容所共有97只猫,其中28只为黑色。Out of 97 cats at the shelter, 28 are black, Morgan said.

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斯科特在收容所被抢过一次,还两次被除虱。Scott was robbed once and picked up lice the second time.

最后久久地凝视了她一眼,我转身离开了收容所。And with one long last look, I turned and left the hospice.

茜西莉。桑德斯,国家收容所委员会主席。Cicely Saunders, President of the National Hospice Council.

相关法律规定,允许把乞丐送到特定的收容所,限期一年。Bylaws allow beggars to be sent to a special home for a year.

你17岁时,父母曾经将你送到收容所。When you were 17 your parents had you committed to an asylum.

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在我请求两天之后妈妈带我去了收容所。My mother brought me to the hospice two days after my request.

等我们赶到收容所时,这两只狗都已经被领走了。By the time we arrived at the shelter both those dogs were gone.

我坚决要求你立即把握从这个收容所里放出去!‘I insist that you release me immediately from this institution!’

在这种地方建造战俘收容所本身就是一种残虐。Building a POW camp in a place like this is an atrocity in itself.

我觉得把钱捐给无家可归者的临时收容所是个更好的办法,I think it's better to give it to, for example, the homeless shelter

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但在十九世纪二十年代仅仅是收容所和休克疗法。In the nineteen-twenties it was the asylum and the shock treatments.

红十字会收容所内照顾弱能人士、孤儿及贫穷家庭。The Red Cross offers shelter to the disabled, poor people and orphans.

很显然,大多收容所里的狗都像我一样,是混血的。But obviously, a lot of the shelter dogs are mutts like me," he quipped.