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他们并不在终身制考察期。They are not on a tenure track.

接待考察爱购网。Welcome to love to buy network.

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中苏关系也正在考察过程中。Sino-Soviet relations are surveyed.

我想考察其中的一些。I want to examine a couple of these.

所有的研究班都进行参观考察。All the institutes conduct study tours.

考察可能要花好几个月时间。The investigation may take many months.

欢迎您到天长来参观考察!You are always warm welcome to Tianchang.

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但是我知道百度是在考察期!But I know that Baidu is the study of the!

十名探险家开始了他们的考察。Ten explorers set out on their expedition.

这项研究考察了工资的分布情况。The research examines the spread of wages.

岂论您正在考察东巴村,民族。Whether you are visiting a Dongba village!

我们将于蒋氏今后的行动表现中考察之。We shall judge Chiang by his future actions.

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第二编为历史考察。The second section gives a historical review.

在随后的章节里,我们将分别考察每一个因素。Other chapters are available in our e-Library.

我们的考察范围仅限于狩猎动物。Our survey was restricted to the game animals.

佛学院有办实地考察活动吗?Are there field trips organized by the Academy?

我将考察陀思妥耶夫斯基所钟爱的一个主题。I shall examine a favorite theme of Dostoevsky.

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波兰合作商务考察、投资服务。Polish commerce inspection, investment service.

对包合物的质量进行了考察。The quality of inclusion compound was examined.

考察u对V的。And look at, for example, the V dependence of u.